Tank Threat Issues

Great, please teach me how to pool rage on the first pull and continue to maintain rage while spamming sunder and thunder clap to maintain threat. Through the whole dungeon.

People would tell you to get Warbringer, but that basically requires level 25 and having approximetly 30 gold.

Are we talking about the BFD raid or stockades here? It’s hard to tell with the mixture of cry-screaming in this thread.

How about just Deadmines for starters since I’m lvl 17.

Its literally the ONLY mechanic in classic though…

Remove threat and the game is super dumb.

I tank as shaman and threat is never an issue, I have a billion threat before anyone knows what hit them

Based on your logic then the game is dumb.

At level 17 you should not be worried about the overall performance of your literally brand new baby character. I do not consider anything pre-25 as mattering in the slightest because there are so many external variables that it’s a waste of time to care.

Class balancing is built around end-phase performance, warriors are notoriously weak until they pick up a few gear pieces and their runes, then they become quite literally the best DPS and tank available at the moment.

I repeat, warriors are the best dps AND tank right now, in BFD.

Its kinda getting there. I mean i have fun tanking on my shaman dont get me wrong but its legit retail tanking.

Nobody can pull of me with a single right click lol.

This is such a lazy cop out. As a Tank I am meant to perform a specific function. If I can not perform that function reliably then that makes me a bad player. I am not a bad player, the game is just poorly designed. Should we be satisfied with a poorly designed game?

It’s vanilla classic with some bolt-ons to make level 25 raids fun.

vanilla classic warriors always sucked before end game.

if you dislike this, you should pick something else that is strong in the early game and weak later on, like a hunter or a warlock.

Anyway, you absolutely can ‘perform your function’ as a warrior tank, I know I did on mine. I tanked with a 2h, aggressive pulling and rage pooling between packs.
do you have threat plates or a similar UI/weakaura?

Doubt X

10 char

Welcome to my ignore list.

Maybe I’m weird, but it always felt somewhat rude to the healer to go in saying you’re a tank and you show up with absolutely no tank talents and even a 2H. Like, you’re a glorified dps if you wanna be real about it. But the healer has to deal with it.

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Nothing hits hard enough to matter, it’s typically better to consistently hold threat by dropping some defensive capability and allow the healer to focus on just keeping you alive, instead of having to tab off and heal multiple different DPS that pull aggro off the thematically accurate full giga-chonk sword and board tank, who does 10 dps and has no rage at any point.

Welcome to classic.

I havent worn a shield since the third lockout of BFD

Also, priests are bored. We like when you take damage. We are falling asleep out there

Which I think leads back into the original start of the thread.

If putting on a shield means you’re gonna hit like a wet noodle, have no dps, can’t hold aggro because you have no dps and can’t get threat reliably, it’s kind of a problem with the protection tree in its entirety.

So your advice is, don’t spec as a Tank if you want to Tank because the game is not designed for Tanks to be able to Tank. Gotcha.

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Again, welcome to vanilla classic.
Fury prot warriors exist for a reason, DPS want to get full world buffs and cumblast everything without caring about threat, this makes maximum mitigation tank spec/gear unviable in a raid setting.

Devastate will mostly fix this, however, at low levels rage generation sucks as it’s based off damage done. bear druids have similar problems.

Good players have adapted and realised that nothing hurts enough to warrant going full role-play sword and shield, and these same players use warriors tanks to produce quite literally the best logged runs in the world.

The warrior prot tree is just really garbage IMO. The only good talent is increased threat by 15%, reduced taunt, and last stand. Outside of that its an awful talent tree that does almost nothing to make you tankier and nothing to increase threat.

Simply put, Fury or arms is a far better tree for tanking.

My advice is to play the game.
It’s all just numbers, if you need more threat, you increase the threat number, but you have to decrease the mitigation number to do this.

Do you always need the maximum possible mitigation number? no, everything hits like a little girl and nothing matters, so you can increase the threat number.

if you do not increase the threat number in response to this requirement, you are not a good player, that is what i am saying.

Also, as asked above, do you use some kind of threat plate addon / UI?