Tank PVP Nerf is Wrong

Pvp has always been pandering to dps , if the Tanks a were never nerfed , the dps would cry hard when they tank an entire BG on their own

And this is where we are.

Meanwhile as a warrior I’m suppose to think it’s fun to be killed from a distance by warlocks, hunters, and mages
 as I’m getting stunlocked to hell by two rogues.

This sounds like a gid gud problem.

It is! But rather than get good they nerfed tanks by 50%. Now DPS don’t have to get good.

I play a guardian druid and even I am okay with thse nerfs. I shouldn’t be able to stand in the middle of Ashran and have damn near every alliance attacking me and heal through it and even kill some of them. that’s just stupid.

Swifty on his prot warrior is just as bad. he absolutely destroys people 4vs1.

Tanks needed nerfed

Sounds good to me :dracthyr_love_animated:

Also where are you seeing 50% more damage taken? Tanks have taken extra damage for a long time which isnt new to this tuning

Ironic coming from someone too afraid to post on their main acc, unless that is and a level 14 with 80 achieve points has no valid opinion here.

Tanks are 0 skill atm the ultra weak mentality is how many people want to be immune to death in pvp.

Tanks do not belong in the arena.

So you think you should win a 1v5?

I don’t even want them in RBG tbh
 I miss the days of cap the flag maps being about outrunning, was way more fun.

Now it’s just cluster with a tank & healer and camp till stacks kick in. Then random bg if one team has a proper tank and the other doesn’t, almost a garaunteed loss at matchmaking

Yep glad for the nerfs but cmon buff the utterly useless brewmasters so they can be competitive as flag holders