Tank Performance Tracking

So 3500 armor is enough to drop an entire healer?

Threat matters up until the point at which your DPS don’t have to hold anything back at any time. It’s useless after that.

DPS, for the most part, always matters. I don’t know why so many people think that tank DPS doesn’t matter. A tank doing X more DPS is just as important as a DPS doing X more DPS.

The only reason you don’t think they’re quantifiable is because you think they don’t matter. That’s entirely wrong.

Is it enough to drop a healer though? Would not using it require adding a healer?

Let’s take the most extreme example - Sapphiron. The last time I tanked Sapphiron on 25 on my Paladin I took about 15% of the raid’s damage. 56% of the damage I took was physical. So, the portion of the raid’s damage that was reduced by the armor pots that I had active was about 8.5%. Given that the pots are about an 8% physical damage DR, I would’ve taken about 9.25% damage instead of 8.5% if I didn’t armor pot. A whole 0.75% damage taken increase on the raid if I didn’t armor pot. We also 3 healed that fight.

It’s the most extreme example, but do you really think adding an extra healer, thereby increasing the raid’s HPS by about 33%, would be needed if I stopped armor potting, thereby causing 0.75% more damage on average for the healers to heal?

Keep your defensive up? You mean your spamming shield wall? There is no major defensive you spam you always have up. Retail kid who hasn’t tanked confirmed. If you are talking about something like Holy Shield, then why are you blatantly ignoring the Hand of Protection, Hand of Sacrifice, Divine Protection, Divine Shield, Lay On Hands, and Divine Sacrfice all very specific use case abilities? You didn’t use these? Then youre a bad tank confirmed.

You saying Tanks dont have a rotation? Are you not hitting your buttons properly as a Tank? My example above was just for PLD, one of the most basic tanks in the game. Are you saying Press Fireball as a Mage with 1 DoT is super hard? Awful explanation and more proof you never played a Tank. Fake kid confirmed.

But you also outlined that Tanks can just go holy, indicating anyone can heal as well. Is your ability to reason on any basic level failing you? You should get that checked out. You are literally invalidating yourself in your own “arguments”.

Overall I give your post a Cringe/10 I feel worse for having read it and am deeply saddened.

Why? Because the new age kids who live off feelings and can’t decide if they wanna be a nat or fairy say so?

You holding aggro? Everyone not die due to not holding aggro? Healer happy? If yes then, GG you won tanking…

I know the new and young crowd are into over doing stuff but come on.

Calling people boomers like its bad. Have you looked outside and seen the young folk and how they think?

These kids these days are going backwards, Idocricy is a true story, Heck maybe even a better version. So i’d come off the horse you think you sit on. Cause these days it could decide to be a turtle tomorrow and no one wants to sit on a turtle

Tanking isnt hard in phase 1 of wrath, really the only times I am using defensives is during big trash pulls or boss enrage phases.

There is no metric like parses for dps where you can get an objective number of how well you rank as a tank player.

I am parsing from a damage perspective at the 90-97 range which is fine means I am carrying my weight on damage casts.

But am I using enough AMS, IBF and VB? I doubt it, most the time I am using defensives is Sarth when 2 drakes are up with the boss. Otherwise I save them for enrages.

Define tank performance.

Only way I could see is looking at the best tanks in the world and seeing their ability usage rate and how much mitigation they pumped out to make the raid the smoothest it could be.

Compare it to your own logs and see where you could tune up your performance.

This is the only real way as threat is a nonissue in wrath and damage is mostly irrelevant if you’re a decent player.

3500 armor, more gear compared to 1-2 raids ago, yes. As your raid gets used to mechanics and tank doesn’t need as much healing, dropping a healer becomes possible. There’s videos of people doing OS10+3d with 1 healer, just 1. Just 1 holy priest healing whole raid and tank because tank went full tank and isn’t getting spanked.

It all adds up, 3500 armor from pot, +400 armor from your new pants, 2-3 raids later you can drop a healer when dps aren’t losing hp from avoidable mechanics and tank isn’t taking as much damage anymore.

Point went right over your head. Lack of a holy paladin is greater than lack of your tank, as when your tanks get geared, dps get tank offpieces and can fill in for tank role. And hpala gear is unwanted, so holy pala is easiest to gear. Good healers allow for -1 healer +1 dps comps, and that’s far greater than tank doing few % more dmg. Tanks don’t matter as much as healers.

You can pat yourself on the back and think you’re the key point, but you’re not, healers and dps are key points of every raid group, as when dps stop taking unnecessary dmg, and your healers are good, you can add in an extra dps, which makes quite a bit of difference. Tank doing his rotation tiny bit efficiently and doing 500 more dmg won’t compare to extra dps dunking 7k dps. And later 10k dps, and then 13k, and 20k+ in ICC. You really think you as tank will outdo a 20k dps pumping fwarr or mm hunter, or rogue? Your job is taking less and less dmg, not doing more and more dps. So yeah, these “experts” claiming 3500 armor is nothing and you should use dps pot have no clue.

I’d argue Warcraft logs already tells you how good a tank you are. If you and your whole raid are getting 90+ parses your a good tank. If your whole raid is getting 90+ parses and you are getting like 40 you are off tank and still doing a great job! Your dmg does matter for kill speeds and how well your doing with snap agro will be reflected in how well your DPS can parse. Some here will poo poo me but this is how I review my logs post fight. I am said off tank but on this like os , and patchwork you wanna see them 90+ parses

I am parsing above 90 in raids and I would still say I am a below average tank, how much mitigation did I use on Grobbulus or Gluth last week (1 VB maybe 2) I spent all my runes and globals on dps and I have a dps trinket which props up my damage relative to other tanks.

I can main tank or off tank a boss and my rotation doesnt change as by and large my use of mitigation does nothing in Naxx not enough damage incoming to make me actually change my play style.

DPS is not and cannot be a metric of good tanking.

Hold aggro, deal damage, don’t die

Are your dps hitting a threat cap, are you parsing 80% or better as tank dmg, are you dying?

If you aren’t dying but your dmg is low, push for more damage.
If your dps are threat capped, check your rotation and push for more damage
If you aren’t dying and your dps aren’t pulling aggro or even close to your aggro. Do more damage.

If you do 250k damage but you could do 350k and still not die, you should. It makes dps parse better and makes the raid shorter and smoother.

Never get complacent and always improve, push risks and boundaries and find your comfort area with your group

Be the best you that you can be

Ironically, Tanking performance means little to nothing in the classic section. If you can hold aggro and keep mobs off your party and they don’t get any damage outside some mechanic that’s not preventable, outside class abilities like paladin dmg immunity, or rogue cloak of shadow for magic damage, that kind of stuff.

I will also point out that parsing isn’t really needed when it comes to this installment of wow. Especially since the content is already solved so you can work with whatever. Yes, I use a dmg meter, but I use that for my source of information, not a site. I would also be using the meter for when I play a healer too. Mostly looking at over healing because I don’t want to do that.

Parsing is also one of the reasons I’ve been playing less and less, it’s the worst part of wow. And why I dislike classic. Honestly thought players wouldn’t, but I was a fool to be thinking otherwise. There’s nothing to be bragging about in wow classic.

All you did is talk about gearing. Do you not remember this was a conversation about skill and usefulness? Once again, your ability to reason seems to be failing.

Give me a number on boss positioning then

You do realize logs come with a replay function and shows all positioning during encounters right?..lmao

Edit: After finding your logs and your main it was quite easy to understand why you don’t understand the complete complexity of the logging system.

Why is a bottom B tier dps your highest DPS in guild :skull_and_crossbones:

Idk how to help you if you feel you are performing poorly, and the website that tells you that your not is not enough proof for you. And mitigation is irrelevant in tier 7 outside of 10 man 3ds and just making sure you are def capped.

One. That’s just 1 fight that an armor pot has a place in this tier. Name another.

Armor pots do have use but if you’re using them for 95% of the encounters this phase you’re doing it wrong.

Armor pots should be prepotted on every fight for war/dk tanks. +AP from armor means you can double stack a damage pot and an armor pot 1min into every fight. Armor potting also makes sense for pallies as it just allows you to wear less tank gear, although I haven’t simmed pallies and I could see a haste/crit pot during wings on opener pulling ahead.

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