Tank Or DPS / Healer combo looking for Raid & M+ guild!

Hello! My husband and I are returning CE raiders that made new accounts to get a fresh start. I have 15 years of healing experience and my husband has been playing since Vanilla, mainly as a dps but likes tanking as well. He was a multi-glad pvper and Hero of the Alliance.

My main is a RDruid and his is a Demon Hunter.

We’d love to raid in a mythic focused raid team that has a laid back atmosphere as we are parents with another on the way. Our preferred raid times are the weekdays between 6 PM - 10 PM EST.

We are also looking for competent mythic + players to run with! We love to push keys in our free time on the weekends.

We also come with family and friends that would be mainly m+ and casual raid members.

You can add either of us on bnet to talk or reply here and we will reach out!