Tank mechanics in raid?

Does DBM tell you when to taunt swap? Or do I need to read up on tank mechanics and memorize when to taunt swap?


DBM does a call out for when to swap for the most part.

There are a few fights where it would be good to get an understanding of the fight as a tank.

Terros - aim the tank buster at the pillars to break them.

Daethea - going up (heroic only) for adds

Broodkeeper - knowing the egg / add pattern

Raz - don’t stand in front of other tank/boss in the final phase.

Almagation - the swap is a bit fast, he puts a debuff on the tank which causes them to take a ton more shadowflame damage then immediately casts a big shadow flame attack at the tank, so the taunt happens after the debuff lands so the other tank gets hit by the shadow flame attack.

Experiments - the tank “swap” is the only way to clear the tank debuff is for the tanks to touch each other when they both have the debuff, which then also causes raidwide damage. Tank A gets 7-8 stacks, tank B swaps, then at some point both tanks touch each other, it clears all the stacks, deals raidwide damage, and starts over.

Rashok - probably the fight with the most tank fails. He does a 3 chain attack of 2 different types. There is an earth and fire attack. The pattern is random, but it’s always 2 of one type and 1 of the other. The tanks need to make sure the same tank doesn’t get hit by the same type twice in a row. For example: earth - earth - fire means the tank taunt happens during the second earth cast. Fire - earth - fire means the taunt happens during the final fire cast.

Echo - knowing the route for breaking the walls.

Sark - in p3 the tank debuff cleaves so don’t stand in front of the boss if you aren’t the active tank. Also when your tank debuff is getting low you need to get 10 stacks to go into the void realm and let it expire there.

Igiria - both tanks stand on top of each other the entire fight.

Volcoroas - he stacks a debuff on the tank that increases the damage from the next Cataclysmic strike thing so when that cast starts the other tank needs to taunt before the cast ends.

Tindral - tanks need to communicate which mushrooms they are soaking. Usually something like evens/odds where tank A soaks mushrooms 1 and 3 and tank B soaks mushrooms 2 and 4.

The rest of the fights are pretty straight forward with tank swaps. This only applies to normal and heroic, not mythic.


Swaps happen at different stack counts and depends on gear and skill. So no.

But DBM will tell you when a killer ability is coming, or that you have high stacks or a certain debuff

Play with the warnings settings and tweak it. Example… if you find you or your partner can take 5 of x hits before you you both need to pop emergencies to live, set Dbm to warn you at 4-5+ . .

The other tank should know when to swap by similar method. You just need to communicate to your team what you can handle so healers and other tank can help

You always need to do this.

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Probably should. Watching encounter videos never hurts either. There’s also always LFR as a practice ground if you want to put what you’ve read and watched to the test.


Generally, I like to know the encounter entirely but that’s just me, stack counts because everyone is different, when to swap, who goes where and when. Like the Rasz encounter I know that you swap every breath in P1 and double CC sparks or the other slew of abilities that can do that, the puddles, and when you go to each side, left side goes counter-clockwise and right side goes clockwise with adds while watching for breath and so on.

Generally a good thing to do is read your dungeon/raid journal for spells and abilities, especially marked ones known for tanks, deadly, and perhaps watch an encounter video or if you can find one a PoV video. Eventually mechanics like (for example) Broodkeeper Diurna’s pathing will come naturally and you learn that adds spawn where the torches light, but you just remember anyway.

It’s especially good to have open communication with the other tank in a raid without a doubt. DBM does not help you that much other than to say “Taunt boss” (will even do it during Broodkeeper which would be a death sentence initially) and sometimes when you’re overgeared and the other tank wants to solo tank it, it will repeatedly spam you by saying that over a certain number of stacks.

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This post is the proof that addons plays for you

dbm will tell you when to tank swap it will tell you
you are at x stacks swap now

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I mean you could point Sark in p3 at the raid for a nice cleave, DBM doesn’t tell you about that part.


It’s true, all people have to do is download DBM and listen to it for a free mythic raid clear.