Life long tank player (DK, DH, Druid, Monk, Warrior, Pally) looking for a long-term home. I have been tanking on and off my whole life. I am looking for a place to call home. I have multiple AOTCs under my belt but I think I want to try for more! 7/8H on brew in season 1, 7/8N in season 2 and AOTC in Season 3 in DF (latest AOTC).
I can raid Fri Sat or Sun. 8pm to 11pm est (if it’s a real good fit I could go to midnight)
Would love to dip my toes into mythic
Do I sound like I might fit? Leave your guild information. I will be trying to gear up my tanks via Mythic +
We raid Raid Times Saturday-Sunday 8:00am-10:00Am PST, 10am - 12pm CST, 11am-1pm See you there! we are a aotc guild working towards mythic raid team we also run mythic + daily add me if want to learn more herwordskill#1655
Hello Thundabuddy please check out my post! We are ramping up recruitment and have a great team with clear goals. One day a week raiding Sunday 7PM MTN to 10PM
We get AoTC in short time and usually get a few clears in.