Tank Looking for AOTC / M+ Guild

Hey everyone. I’m relatively new to WoW (Started in DF S3), but I instantly fell in love with the game. I learned to tank and spammed mythic plus for all of Season 3 and 4, and started S1 but just hated the dungeons so I ended up quitting. I’m back / super excited for S2 and I’m looking for a guild.

What I’m looking for in a guild:

  • Raid progression experience. I’ve never progressed through a raid with a guild & learned the mechanics together and I really want to.
  • Weekend Raid Schedule (Fr or S) . (I play almost every week night, but just in case I have to work late I don’t want to have to choose between the raid & work)
  • Group of people to form M+ groups with, eventually maybe finding a more consistent team

What I offer:

  • 2800io (DF at least) Bdk or Vdh, I can also play warr/paladin but not as comfy
  • I love learning mechanics. I do not care at all about my place on the meters, all I want is to execute my job perfectly & help others where I can.
  • Flexible - I don’t really care what class I’m playing or what my role is. If it needs to be done and is helpful, I like it.
  • More hours than I’d like to admit. I play almost every day after work for at least 4 hours or so, and most weekends if I’m not doing something else. I’m a grinder…

Sorry for the essay but I figured there’s only one shot at it so might as well be a bit thorough. If I sound like a good fit for your guild please message me on Discord (Skylar#4615). Thank you for your time.

[Guild: We Go Again] Tichondrius (US) is looking for homies and new people to come run M+ and raid. Currently looking to fill two mythic teams, but we have plenty of space for heroic, casuals, collectors, fun people, and talkative bunches. We have tanks in our teams set already, but I figured I could reach out nonetheless to see if you’d like to join a dps to learn and grow in the new season. But we always need M+ tanks!

East Raid: Tue/Thurs 8-11 est (5-8 pst)

West Raid: Tue/Wed 9-12 pst

We used to be an older guild with leadership that was not very active, so the majority of the guild split off and created a new place for more activities and community to be had. Even with everything we got to 4/8M. We have an active Discord and many friendly members of all walks of life. If any of these times interest you, or if you’re just looking for a good community add me at Flame#4420 on discord


Volatile is a friendly, mythic progression guild, but we also have a separate run for those who only want AOTC. Our Mythic raids are Fri & Sat 7pst to 10pst. Our Heroic runs will be on Sundays 7pst to 10pst. We’re looking to recruit new members! We run weekly key nights and guild event nights (includes tmog runs, PvP nights, and more) as well as our scheduled raiding nights, so there is always something to do!

Our current progression is:

  • 4/8 M NP
  • 8/8 H NP

Our progression in Dragonflight was:

  • 5/8 M VOTI
  • 5/9 M ATSC
  • 6/9 M ATDH

If you’re interested, please don’t hesitate to reach out for more information! You can reach me at Raevenhart#1561 anytime!

We could use a Tank for our Weekend AOTC Team. Give us a ring on Discord!

Guild Event Times:
M+ Mondays 10pm-12am EST
Cutting Edge: Tuesday Wednesday 9pm-12am EST
AOTC: Saturday Sunday 8pm-11pm EST
RBG: Still being scheduled, need more for Roster.

We’re just a bunch of Full time workers looking to kill bosses and have a fun atmosphere. We play games other than wow due to it’s seasonal nature, here soon we’re about to grind out Monster Hunter Wilds too! The discord is a big community discord, all 18+ Please message the__bluntman (That’s two underscores) on Discord or Bluntman#9999 if it asks for the old ID style to get perms to Join.

IF YOU ARE A WOW ONLY PLAYER DO NOT FRET! There is a section of the discord just for our guildies so you are not to be disturbed by other random gamers.

The reason Why we have adopted this particular Discord set up, is because WoW has essentially become a seasonal game, and when guild’s get their AOTC and Cutting Edge, players generally AFK till next season. We have found that if you give those WoW players a home to play other games in and with their current teammates it makes for stronger connections and better play in WoW itself, as well as knowing that your teammates are still going to be there next season. We are not your average guild we are your forever home if you can jive with our community!

The Club is a casual mythic raiding guild (8/8H) that was formed by 3 long time WoW friends with collective achievements of CE and multiple m+ seasonal titles. Our guild is NOT CE focused, but a “50% mythic clear” focus. Meaning, we do not intend to push for CE but have a goal each tier to kill 4-5 mythic bosses. Our goal is to make a strong push for as much progression as possible within the first 4 weeks of raid release then drop to once a week mythic progression. Outside of our “raid season” we plan to push mythic+ and focus on building our community doing other fun guild things. We provide a competitive environment that allows any new trial an opportunity to earn a place in our raid team, while our current raiders are constantly striving to improve. Outside of raiding you will find our raiders in M+ mostly as we have players who have experience pushing season title.

Needs of raid team: ALL ROLES

What we provide for our raiders:

-All raid consumables (Flasks, Food, and Vantus Runes) are funded by BoE raid drops.

-M+ is a big focus for some of our players with some even having multiple season titles. Therefore forming groups and m+ support from the guild will provide plenty of opportunities to fill vault and gain experience.

-One month(4 weeks) of 3 raid days allows us to achieve most of our guilds raid progress so that we can then drop to once a week casual mythic raiding.

Raider expectations:

-Research fights or ask an officer for help.

-Have your character prepared for the fight we are progressing.

-Have any consumables that are not provided.

-Have addons updated.

-Update the attendance channel if you are unable to make raid.

BNET: Jonpocalypse#11293 Hadek#11645 Greatsten#1596

Hi there! We are looking to add more players to our AOTC progression team.I’m going to attach our guild page for you to skim through to see if we could possibly be a good fit for you! We raid Fri and sat from 9:30 pm to 12:30 EST. I’d be happy to sit down and chat with you to answer any questions you may have… I look forward to speaking with you soon

The Club is a casual mythic raiding guild (8/8H) that was formed by 3 long time WoW friends with collective achievements of CE and multiple m+ seasonal titles. Our guild is NOT CE focused, but a “50% mythic clear” focus. Meaning, we do not intend to push for CE but have a goal each tier to kill 4-5 mythic bosses. Our goal is to make a strong push for as much progression as possible within the first 4 weeks of raid release then drop to once a week mythic progression. Outside of our “raid season” we plan to push mythic+ and focus on building our community doing other fun guild things. We provide a competitive environment that allows any new trial an opportunity to earn a place in our raid team, while our current raiders are constantly striving to improve. Outside of raiding you will find our raiders in M+ mostly as we have players who have experience pushing season title.

Times/days: THUR-SAT 8:30pm-11:30pm PST!

8/8N/3/8H in Liberation of Undermine

Needs of raid team: Tank (non bdk) and dps

What we provide for our raiders:

-All raid consumables (Flasks, Food, and Vantus Runes) are funded by BoE raid drops.

-M+ is a big focus for some of our players with some even having multiple season titles. Therefore forming groups and m+ support from the guild will provide plenty of opportunities to fill vault and gain experience.

-One month(4 weeks) of 3 raid days allows us to achieve most of our guilds raid progress so that we can then drop to once a week casual mythic raiding.

Raider expectations:

-Research fights or ask an officer for help

-Have your character prepared for the fight we are progressing

-Have any consumables that are not provided.

-Have addons updated.

-Update the attendance channel if you are unable to make raid.

BNET: Jonpocalypse#11293 Hadek#11645 Greatsten#1596

Guild: Igotaguildlol
WE raid Saturday, 9:30pm central usually until midnight. Just cleared Undermine on first raid night and moving into Heroic until AOTC next saturday. We do normal clears on wednesdays as well as guild TW raid clears for funsies. Lots of keyrunners and active players. Hit me up if interested: Tukohama#1154