Looking for a guild that does heroic raiding. Really not into mythic raiding.
And does more then shows up on raid day…
I am currently gearing this toon up to be ready by next raid.
I have a Veng DH that’s 373 my goal is to have two tanks raid ready before next raid drops…
I am 8/8N 8/8H 1/8M
I always try to be 15 min on before raid. I bring the proper flask enchants and gems all my gear
I am also known to tell bad dad jokes during wipes to keep spirts up.
But I’m also a truck driver and most of the time I can be at the raid but stuff happens with deliveries and I may miss a raid… but that’s the exception and not the rule.
Times that work for me 7pm to 10pm ish CST
Any day…
We recently lost our ‘2nd Full Time Tank.’ We do have me and another guildie off-tanking for the 2nd tank spot but it means we lose a DPS. (would be most ideal if me and our other guildie stay dps.) Our Raid times Tues & Thurs 8:30-11pm EST
We are only a heroic progression guild, we don’t touch mythic. We are currently 7/8H very close to downing G’hunn.
Besides raid nights we do mythic + as well on Mon and Weds
We also encourage making groups on ANY-other off nights too. We are an older group, most of us are 25+ but still love to play WoW.
If you are interested come check us out: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/twisted-reflection-guild-recruitment
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Cool I’ll be on around 1500/ 3pm
My my bnet Pyxis#11122