Tank LF M+ guild for S2

I’m playing tank since vanilla and LF a mythic+ guild to push.
I always pushed M+ on all xpacs since BFA and currently :
Prot pal 3193
BrewMaster 3125
Disc priest 3250

I stopped pushing this season in December because I did not had a lot of fun alone, and so i’m looking now for a team / guild!

BTag: Motohime#2862

Hit me up.
Cheers and enjoy your time on Azeroth.

Hey whats up. We might be wjay youre looking for. Posting our spam/info below hit us up if interested. Have quite a few psuhing past 3k

8/8H(1 night) is a recently revived guild LF ALL raiders for season 2. The Club is managed by a multi time M+ Season Title and CE GM.

Our raid times: first 4 week of each new raid season- TH/F/SAT 830-1130pm PST, then drop to just TH 830-1130pm PST until 50%(4-5bosses) of the mythic raid is cleared.

Outside of raiding our guild has built a community of players who love to m+ at all levels!!!

Bnet: greatsten#1596
Discord: Greatsten