Tank lf guild

Returning player. 9/9h 2700 io score on diff toon. Lf casual raid/m+

Hi Erteri, I’m with “Insanity Raiding” (18+) a large casual progressive guild (non CE and non-benching), and we have been LF a competent steady tank for our raid on T/W 7:45-10pm (min. 475 ilvl). We have been rebuilding our team, and our current main tank has different shifts for work. Besides raiding, the guild does keys (no scheduled days on calendar) both low and high, TWs, old content runs if guildies want them, some PVP (bgs), questing, etc. Most of our guildies log on evenings after work, and we also have a number aged 50+. If we sound like a good fit for you, I’m online practically every day in the afternoon for either more info/invite or if you can’t find me online and just desire an invite, then go to guild-finder (under Raid tab) and directly apply to “Insanity Raiding”, and we will invite you through there. Hope to have you join our family!