Tank Bloodlust/Heroism

I saw an interesting tweet from Llarold (the Brewmaster/Prot Warrior guide writer for Wowhead) mentioning there are no tanks that bring Bloodlust/Heroism to a group. His initial suggestion was to either give the ability to Warriors or let Shaman tank. Fleks also had a great follow-up and suggested removing Aug Evoker to make way for a Black Dragon tank spec :wink:

As a Prot Warrior myself for many tiers, I always thought some sort of Bloodlust Battle Cry would have made perfect sense thematically. Hell, even giving the entire Warrior class the ability would probably be beneficial. There’s always been a knock on them in mythic plus for their lack of utility and this would be a nice little perk. For those that may say “well they already bring Battle Shout and Rallying Cry”, I would like you to view Exhibit: Mage.


One follow-up I forgot to mention…

Tanks very commonly are considered the “leader” of a mythic plus group, so it would be cool if they had more control over the lust timer as well.


I think the point is balance in the groups, giving the tank that ability instead of a DPS only increases their control of the group, it’s supposed to be a joint, cooperative effort. Giving any one tank that ability and not the others will create a kind of imbalance or preference for that spec?


I think it just gives more flexibility. Look at healers for instance. The current “meta” is one of either Monk, Druid, or Priest. None of these bring a Bloodlust/Heroism. In fact, I’d even argue this creates more of a joint, cooperative effort, because it opens up the team to more potential comps where you don’t have to have a healer or DPS bring the ability.

I mentioned just tanks in my initial post, but I honestly think the Warrior class as a whole should bring a War Cry ability that grants Bloodlust/Heroism. They lack the utility of other classes in M+ and would benefit from bringing it.

I’ve always believed that all healers should get bloodlust and or combat rez myself

Combat rez I 100% agree with

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