Tanaris Alliance Reconnections

Blob - Human warrior

If you remember me just leave a reply and i will get back to you! Hoping to find some old friends I used to play with Arthus you still out there ol’e boy?!

Hey Jarie. We used to run deadmines a lot around christmas 2006. I was Neolander, the warrior who stayed stuck at level 60 the entire bc. I was always sorry I left that guild we had, wish we had leveled together all the way.

I remember being in Chaos Theory. My toons name was Breelynne. I think my husband was GM - Reichtfuren. Ring any bells?

PUCK!!! I remember you! Do you remember Bree and Reichtfuren? We’re playing classic on Mankrik server, alliance side. I’m the GM of Level Sixty

My husband and I played on Tanaris for awhile. He had a warrior - Reichtfuren and I played a warlock - Breelynne. He was GM of the guild we were in, but the only guild I can remember was Chaos Theory from back then. I don’t think we were officers of that one. I remember Puck, Tance, and a guy who would name “grey” be part of all of his toons names. Oh! and Zwitt/Zeewitt

Ganesh, Night Elf Druid. I remember being in a “Knights of _______” guild, but don’t remember much else.

There was a woman in our guild named Cinderwench, looking to reconnect with old friends!

This was the guild where the GM was a rogue and disappeared with all the bank loot right??

I remember your rogue and lock from The Exodus. I’m Yggdrasill the shadow priest always dueling in Iron Forge, from the way more casual guild Knights of Tanaris. people just called me ygg, lol why gee gee

I remember dueling you a couple times in iron forge… what a good thread this is.

lol, i remember our IF duels… haha was fun af - Yggdrasill

I remember this realm being my fav because everyone was willing to group up for dungeons and/or quests. I played as Westfall and I don’t remember my guild…(Part of getting old I guess) It was a mature guild back then, so if any of you are still alive and playing I am hoping we can get together for one last adventure.