It appears that Alliance can’t tame Shadowclaw during present day timeline. He appears as green to me. Unless of course I’m doing something wrong, or missed something. Any references to this guy are at least a year old.
It depends on whose faction controls the zone.
Level 121 might have something to do with it. I tried taming that wolf in pandaria who was level 121 and it said I couldn’t tame something above my level.
This is correct. You’ve never been able to tame pets above your current level. In any expansion, at any level.
If this NPC only spawns at 121, then it would be impossible to tame it. That being said, you could always beast lore it and see what that info says. It might just be unable to be tamed from the start.
Odd that an NPC in Pandaria is 121, though. Maybe that is a bug?
So you are calling every Hunter who has tamed Shadowclaw a Hacker?
I don’t know about the Hunter’s that have ranged l teams tamed him but the level limit has always been a thing.
According to Petopia, it can be tamed despite it’s level.
You’re the kind of person who reads something, and then extrapolates their own meaning on what that person said. Is there any point in my post that says someone is a hacker for taming Shadowclaw? Are you capable of reading at all?
All I said is that you can’t tame beasts that are higher level than you. You never have been. Upon looking it up, a top comment on Wowhead says “Shadowclaw is tamable despite being lvl 121+” which honestly goes against the normal rules for people able to tame something higher level you than you. Apparently this pet breaks a rule that I had no idea could be broken.
No I read it and having tamed the beast that you claim no one can tame I realized you were someone who doesn’t bother to read (Link telling how) since you were telling everyone it wasn’t possible! Therefor you were accusing everyone who tamed the beast of being a hacker!
It’s in that area where you have your weekly quests. It’s that wolf pack leader (the lightning ones). There are a lot of lower level lightning wolves there but the alpha named mob is 121 or 122 and untamable even though you can beast lore her and it says she is, so I guess in the next exp you will be able to. She looked to have a different color than the others, but it could just be because of her size that throws me off.
“Even though it is level 121 it is tameable by hunters of level 120.”
So it looks like this mob is the exception.
What mob are you talking about?
Shadowclaw is a cat in Darkshore.
Honestly, there are others, sorry I can’t list any, it’s been quite awhile. But you’re, for the most part, correct. All the way back to vanilla, that’s been the case for probably 90% of critters. Every so often they throw in ones that break that rule, just to screw us around.
You can tame any beast whose level is up to 2 levels above you
Then why has no one been able to tame Beehemoth?
Shadowclaw is just an exception to the rule for whatever their reason.
Why Shadowclaw in particular?
It looks like this mob shares an appearance with the Cursed Prowler and Sekhan from Highmountain, and those guys are tameable.
There are many “beasts” that can’t be tamed. I wish you could tame those flaming-skeletal hounds just outside Ratchet. They beast lore as beasts but untameable. Same model as in Firelands and Molten Front, but those show as elementals.
There was a few high level tames added, but to know which you have to do a search on petopia.