Could we tame some lesser demons too for our hunter please? We can already tame undead pets, mechanicals pets and lesser dragonkin pets so why not some lesser demons too?
Just some lesser demons should be good like these ones:
Maybe we could get a special ability or a tome/book to tame them. Or why not like the panthara with the fresh talbuk meat or the fel green maned wolf with the vial of fel cleansing.
I really want to be able to tame some felstalker with my hunters.
I dunno, kind of defeats the purpose of Warlocks being the ones who command and summon demons.
Because demons are not beasts and not of the natural world.
I mean, it might be neat to get some more “fel” looking beasts, but no demons!
That’s kind of what they did back in Wrath – they just changed some of the demon dogs to beasts.
if bm gets to encroach on another class’s fantasy then survival should get to use exotics too
Warlocks can summon them. Wouldn’t make sense for hunters to be able to tame. They are technically not even tamed by Warlocks, but subdued against their will.
Not gonna give up huh lol
I mean, undead and mechs…are you going to say the same when tinker eventually comes out?
Personally, I’ve wanted the pair F’harg and Shatug since they came out.
Oh, Id never say an absolute “no”. Im all about “why not”. Thats why I fought as hard as I did for MM pets. I was just giving reasons why they might not. Especially since Locks get just a handful of demons to call, meanwhile we have probably 1000 or more at this point. And they have been calling for more options on their side. So Im just going Devil’s Advocate here.
If we get them, then yay for those who wanted them. If we don’t, eh I could see why.
Mechs we can at least say we reprogrammed them with that card we needed to be able to “tame” them. Undead can be reasoned as they still have their old memories ingrained.
because its literally the fantasy of another class lol
And proof why the player base will never be satisfied.
I mean, that’s not exactly the worst thing in the world to want new things. That’s how they continue to shape the game and “improve” it. There are some asks that are just a “no” for me. I don’t see why we can’t have some more fel appearances, but no actual demons.
Fel-infused beasts are fine, but true demons should never be tameable.