Talking head panel

How can I remove this box? The edit screen shows I can uncheck it but the damn thing will not go away. Anybody have any ideas please?


Max Headroom wants to know your location


When you uncheck something in the Edit Mode, it really means you’re hiding that particular HUD element while in the edit mode, not removing it entirely.

As for removing it entirely, I don’t know if you can actually do this. If not, you can just move it out of the way while in Edit Mode. I moved mine to the top left corner cuz I don’t like it either.

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What location?

Wow, someone is young!

I moved mine to the top right corner. Sure it covers the mini for a short time, but usually when the stupid thing is talking, I don’t need the mini map anyway.

there are addons to hide this very annoying feature


if the stock UI is letting you down, i found this addon which is meant to make it go away.
there are others, but it looks like most haven’t been updated in a loooooong time.

Silence the Talking Head

straight-jacket hehehehe… straight-jacket.


For simply staright up removing it, this addon. :point_down:

For an addon with multiple options, including the hide talking head option, this one. :point_down:


(Once again showcasing that Blizzard’s Dragonflight “UI revamp” did nothing.)

((You’d think they could have AT LEAST displayed coordinates so we could get rid of TomTom, but they couldn’t even manage that.))


they gave us the ability to drop pins… if people started using them, would coords still be needed?

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If only for finding places and things by yourself.


LOL hiding it while you in edit mode. I thought it would remove it.

if you’re by yourself, where are you getting the coords from?

that one hasn’t been updated since last year

the leatrix one is still being updated.

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You’re kidding, right?

not at all.

you need to get those coords from somewhere… right?

(it’s 4am, i’m only up because kitty insisted i clean his bathroom… if there’s something which i’m not understanding, go easy on me) :stuck_out_tongue:

there’s this site called wowhead…

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which uses in-game map pins for stuff.

which brings us full circle, to “if more people started using the system…”


ignore the “mature swine”, i typed in “bacon”, and that’s what i got :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Doesn’t do anything when you uncheck it.

Go on CurseForge and look up “HideTalkingHead”, that should work. Otherwise there’s a WeakAura called “Dragonflight UI Resizer” that you could use to resize it, or possibly hide it.
Hope this helps!

One of the best addons EVER along with Leatrix Maps.


I was looking and most o the add-ons to remove panel do not work and lots have not been updated.