Talent "Devour Matter" not working! p.s sorry had my talents mixed up ><

I’ve noticed the talent Mind Devour does NOT work! it does NOT remove any shields! How long will this take to fix? Its EXTREMELY important for PVP. Please fix this soon!

Devour matter does work. If you’ll notice the tooltip says it does just under 200,000 additional damage. That’s about 3% of someone’s hp. So when a mage casts a shield for 25% of their life, you can take out a whole 10% of that shield for just 1 shadow word: death! Think of the power you have at your fingertips with this amazing talent!

So what does it actually mean “consumes shields” because when I use it on any shields the shield still on the target? If its supposed to “consume” dont that mean it takes off the shield? im confused, but I appreciate any info.

You are confusing the flavour text with the actual effect of the talent. It just means that shadow word: death deals slightly more damage to shields. Very slightly. The main benefit is the insanity generation right now.

ah okay got ya thanks for the clarity

Last time I checked, Mages absorbs are a magic buff which should be able to be dispelled. I actually can’t think of any absorb from players that is not a magic buff which in turn can be dispelled.

Maybe monks Life Cocoon?

Point is that since we already have an offensive magic dispel, the extra damage from SW:D to “consume” absorbs seems like once again another aspect of so many of Priests similar overlapping spell effects.

Seems pointless if Shadow Word: Death does “not” entirely consume an absorb with that talent… it seems it should be its standout feature for playing Voidweaver since it in theory should in essence combine both Dispel Magic and a hard hitting damage spell… it should punish the enemy for putting absorbs up just like how Mages are able to punish other classes by spell stealing buffs as they were able to and still are able to steal our Power Word: Shield (for whatever good it would do them in their severally reduced damage absorbing state compared to long ago).

So I would agree that if Shadow Word: Death does not entirely remove the absorb from the player (PvP only) and do a great amount of damage then that talent seems rather pointless.

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it’s nice to get extra atonement healing from using it on absorbs tbh, not to mention mana.