Talanji should have asked both factions for aid instead of only one

And the approach they took sold the Horde to her and her people.

Kind of like how the Warsong Clan sold the Alliance to the Night Elves by killing their patron demigod.

She was “sold” long before she was ever capture. She wanted to make a deal with Sylvanas. Capturing her probably delayed the deal long enough for the Alliance to secure Kul Tiras and get the time it needed to make Zandalar a non-issue for the war.

Talanji evidently didn’t care about that, and always admired Vol’jin for defying Zul. Rastakhan also didn’t care about that. Zul’jin is more of an Amani issue then a Zandalari issue anyhow.


Its funny how the argument is, “well she was already sold so our plan is just keep her in prison violating her nations sovereign right to make alliances and hope it all works out”


You mean the same faction that imprisoned the literal princess of the Zandalari Empire in a jail cell instead of treating with her and having a conversation.

Ok werk.


And look what that got her, a dead dad and destroyed fleet. It was always a horrible idea for her to go to the Horde.

More like, keep her(and her fleet) out of the equation long enough for us to deal with Sylvanas.

You are mixing cause and effect. She did not join the Horde because she was imprisoned by the Alliance. She was imprisoned because she wanted to join the Horde.

Was it? The Horde was the only faction that had actual trolls in it, and historically Troll-Alliance relations have never been good. Her going to the Horde was not a matter of if, but when – the Zandalari never had any reason to go to the Alliance. The Alliance didn’t help the Zandalari rebuild, the Horde did.


So yea, keep her out and just hope that works out


Both factions had helped the Zandalari back in Northrend. Hell, the Bronzebeard brothers apperently had a pleasant time talking with them when they went up there.

And for the most part it work. It delayed the deal long enough for Jaina to get a fleet and kicked the Zandalari to the curb for helping a genocidal faction.

Oh cool you took down a fleet and all it cost you was the stormwinds wooden buildings, and the thousands of lives you lost invading zandalar


And the Alliance helping the Zandalari once is supposed to outweigh all the bad blood the trolls have had and still have with the faction?


Except Stormwind didnt burn. Jaina make sure of that.

It would have been lost(and I would argue more would) had Talanji gotten to Sylvanas quicker. Hell, maybe the entire war would have been lost.

She should swallowed her pride instead she has a dead dad and all of it can be blamed on her choices.

She did swallow her pride, by going to the only natural pick for the Zandalari to work with: The Horde.


Alright dude, whatever you had to tell yourself to salvage anduins bungling of everything he did during his reign


And look what that brought her. She should have swallowed it more and worked with both factions.

Did Anduin makes some mistake? Sure. Capturing Talanji wasnt it and more important he got what he wanted. Some damn peace and those who were most reponsible for the war, Saurfang, Nathanos and Sylvanas are dead/paying off their sentence.

And with any luck any Horde pride died with them.

I love this post.
Zerde is always talking about chronicles retcons in the Alliance’s favor, but this plain lays out that the Alliance was malicious to the Zandalari without reason.


Strong and loyal allies that helped her when she needed it the most?


Chronicles literally states Talanji was captured because she wanted to make a deal with the Horde/was a Horde sympathizer. That is why she was captured

She could have gotten that with both faction. Now she has one dead dad for her choice.

Allies who stopped the complete genocide of her people at Dazar’Alor.

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Unlike the Horde, the Alliance isnt interested in genocide. If it was the Horde would have died out after Warcraft 2.