Taking my stand for 30d gametime

This is me, taking my stand.
I’m actually sitting down, but that’s beside the point.

I shan’t be bullied by thy hand of greed.

My time of WoW celibacy has come.


Shadowlands being trash got to you too?


What a strange thing to take a stand on. Especially considering you can still get 30 days of game time. But, for real, there are so much better things to make your mark on … not some tired old game … lol


Plenty of great games to play.

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30 days where?


Whatever Burkkins. You claimed you were quitting last April or May when they put in the changes for the cosmetics on Void Elves and would never return yet here you still are.

I found it. It wasn’t void elves, it was blue eyes for blood elves. My mistake.

Blue eyes on blood elves, adieu WoW - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)


World of Warcraft®: Subscription - World of Warcraft | Battle.net Shop

See you in 9.1!

What do you mean? I like the cosmetic changes on void elves.

You mistake me with somebody else, elf.

If I took stand for anything of that sort, it’d be Kul’tirans not having skinny versions and no paladins.

I shall call you a liar and slanderer. I’ve been advocating for high elf customizations for 2 years.

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You have a good memory.

Blizzard removed the options to buy standalone 30, 90, and 180 days of game time. The only way to “get” 30 days of game time is if you set up a monthly subscription, which some people don’t have the option to do.

He means subbing and unsubbing… Sorta the same, sorta not.

Nay, you can’t sub and unsub with gold.

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Op most of your threads are complaining or just …
Some time maybe just relax and enjoy the 50 cent a day …
After you sub relapses you can play for free forever with restrictions.
Enjoy your mind…

Can’t you still buy a token that gets you 30d gametime?

I wasn’t aware the game card situation affected playing for gold.


Do people not have debit cards? Cause I pay monthly, even though I’ve stayed subbed a record amount of time I don’t like potentially paying for the game when I may potentially not play. So who’s using these time cards?

For the record if they messed with card billing I’d be up in arms. I’m sure they won’t though, monthly sub is industry standard.

I thought wow tokens were still monthly…

If they aren’t I can’t play either. LOL. I’m not guna drop 2x months of gold at a time.

Previously, people could buy WOW tokens and add them to BNET balance instead of redeeming for 30d of game time. If you did the BNET balance way, you could buy 6 months (180 days) of game time with gold with the full discount. $15 vs $12 or something, but with gold. Since Blizzard removed those options, people paying with gold are now only able to do 30 days of game time, which loses them money in the long run.

Personally speaking, I never did that. I just don’t want to commit to 60 days of game time. I know if I’ll be playing for the next month, but I don’t know if I’ll be playing in 2 months and don’t want to waste the extra money.

I have already turned my tokens into bnet balance before this change.

Blizzard is out to get me.


That’s you. That’s what you sound like.


Yes it was when I thought blood elves are getting blue eyes and void elves nothing, then they added void elf lighter skin, so I said “fine”.

50:50, worked out in the end.

I’d still ree for lame hair options on void elves, but tbh I like my blueberries blue to begin with. :wink: