They don’t really increase in use that much,and once the Heart of Fire Xmute gets put into the game they will tank.
I don’t forsee them going up much, they’ve been between 8-12g for awhile. Reasonably as well every player in the game can go farm what they need for the week for an hour or two of their time if they want to farm the raw mats. While mining RTVs hopefully. Maybe 15g-18g max but that doesn’t change your ability to just hand farm 5~ every week and be covered for raid.
I 100% would rather GDKPs be banned for social structures over swipers. Swipers will swipe no matter. Having guilds that actually want to run together is great!
GDKP killed the social aspect for such a large portion of the game imo. Why would I raid with my guild when I can go pump raids and make gold? Why would I go raid with a guild when I can get my loot 100% of the time if I spend enough gold when it drops?
I don’t believe this is what people incite at all. But it make guilds structures more difficult to spawn because of such practice that let’s face it, encourages bad practices.
apparently asking people to do that is too much we need to ban gdkp for everyone so that these special snowflakes have an easier time finding a non-gdkp guild