Gold is getting cheaper to buy also, since you know GDKPs are banned so no one buys gold! So I think it’s gonna go WAY up. I’m thinking 400g a lotus is coming up in a few weeks. What about you guys?
i can see it going as high as 500ish and it’s totally fine. free market. not everyone needs to flask.
Only the tank needs to flask really.
Of course but supreme power gives so much spell power for this phase it’s super tempting on a caster
Hey look another pro-GDKP thread made by a Swiper alt with 0 posts.
And we all know that’s what this is.
Huh? 10char
Why are you watching the price of gold?
we all know why
Was curious to see what it cost when sodapoppin bought it.
Also if I swiped why do I not have corehound belt or hide of the wild?
Didn’t he do that like a year ago?
Oh sure he definitely stopped after that!
So youve just been monitoring the price of gold since then why?
It’s fun to look once in a while. It’s tanking probably because Blizzard just let’s the bots run full power
Either way. Back on topic. Prediction for lotus price when BWL releases?
I shouldve held on to the only black lotus i ever picked. I sold it for 100g a few months back. I randomly saw it in winterspring and started picking it and this mage appeared out of nowhere but started picking it too. But im sure it was a bot. I was lucky i was faster than the bot. It like teleported or layer hopped or something he literally appeared out of nowhere.
Yeah I had one i turned into a flask. Most of them either floor hack or layer hop. It’s really a Mafia like boosting is
No one who isn’t buying or selling gold thinks looking at the prices is fun. The fact you’ve been doing it for a year speaks volumes.
dude looking at the price for a thing i totally never even think about buying is sooo fun i do it every day
I mean all the people who look at the stock market don’t own s&p 500 shares…
If they’ve been monitoring the price for a year + they would have a vested interest in it
Stop going off topic plz and ty