Take this as a fact: Activision intentionally made Classic worse than what it should have been

It seems like when Ion came in he decided to focus on raiding and nothing else. PvP was probably tossed to the side because the team didn’t want to have to balance around both aspects of the game.

Good one boss, you’ve cracked the code

This is one of my biggest qualms with Blizzard. WSG wargames were recently enabled - they told no one, and only addressed it in a forum post after it was discovered.

Around the same time, WSG in retail added a feature and it was front page on the launcher.

Also, why did they ever split the battle groups? Time zone? The real answer is still unknown to me. Either way, this chocolate cake is way to salty.

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I’m sorry you’re not enjoying Classic more, OP.

That said, your latest post puzzles me a lot. You’re saying Blizzard was wrong to not advertise that there’s a way to have wargames in Classic–inarguably something added that was never in the original game? How does that go with your “they added salt to sabotage it” argument?

they want ppl on retail cause most of the money is from the shop.