Take Gear / Tier Sets / Embellishments out of PvP

Title^^ take gear, tier sets, and embellishments out of PvP

PvP should be accessible and enjoyable for everyone to participate in, at whatever seriousness level they choose. Whether you’re new, a veteran, or a PvEr, game experience should be the differential, not spec viability / gear / stats / tier sets / embellishments.

Also there are way too many seasonal barriers of entry for PvP… it shouldn’t be such a seasonal reset per character to simply queue up and play PvP. I get seasonal limited cosmetic rewards for top performers. But that should be about it.

And then one mid season tier set rebalance completely changes your entire spec / build / playstyle and makes only one playstyle viable rendering 66% of the entire spec diversity obsolete.

I think we should be taking player retention and new community growth into account. Bring the fun for all back to PvP, not fun for the few.

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enough already!!
this would be a valid point if gear WASNT super pathetically easy to get…que into a bg…omg its raining pvp gear!!!
stop it. just stop


Okay, I have a full time career, I play several other games at the competitive level, and I have literally played every class in WoW at a competitive level since TBC.

I’m tired of resetting all of my characters every 2 months just to play the game. Resetting power creep constantly is tired, it’s a poor excuse for a lack of gameplay and content.

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I have a full time job and a small business. It’s easy. I just don’t find any excuse valid. Gearing up is fun it’s part of the game. Some effort needs to be out in place. It’s really ez I’m really far behind already in gearing but I’ll play a few hours this weekend and get all my toons geared up. Done. Start rated


OP that’s why you should always have 11k Honor stacked. And getting 11k Honor isn’t hard, just go do some epic BG’s Quests, Brawls, weekly pvp quests. They are fast and then you’re at the same level as everyone else.

Queue for Blitz and your gear is scaled up. Everyone gets Tier for Free as long as you have the conquest gear for it to use in Catalyst.

Crafted is nice for those who want to tailor their stats and optimize gear, but that is beneficial for try-hards who push high rating and meta-slaves at 1400. You really don’t “Need” it.

Might as well remove gear and tier sets from PvE content with that logic?

As someone with like 7 alts, I too hate gearing.

I want templates :<

XpOff xoxo

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What do you deem to be a competitive level?

The majority hated them in Legion so they probably won’t ever be back.

The current system is the best it’s ever been, and it’s getting better in TWW with the removal of the vault.

Of all the things to complain about in PvP, gearing isn’t one of them.


I forgot to max my honor before the reset and I am still pumping heals as I grind my way to full green honor set and I am almost geared for rated. I feel like it has been very very easy to gear. I have never had so many alts with 4 piece at the end of a season. We tried cookie cutter stats before and it felt like it killed pvp.

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I like gear progess as a reward. You can have a full set of Honor gear on Season launch if they keep letting honor carry over. I like that for maybe a few months I am getting more item level and customizing my stats, enchants, embeliahments. Gear progression/crafting are a small part of how wow pvp gets to say it is an MMORPG pvp experience. Templates feels like Call of Duty loadouts and not very MMORPG. Blizzard didnt opt to add much grinding for player power and gearing is simple enough for me.

these never make sense… WOW is a MMORPG… gearing is part of the game. if you want insta pvp with insta gear there are games that do that… don’t change other games to what you want.


What do you mean by “competitive level”? Like, you’ve gone to tournaments and competed? Or that you’ve reached the pinnacle rank?

The only gripe I have is that I have to PvE to get PvP gear. Imagine the outrage if PvE players had to PvP to min max.

why do you have to pve to get pvp gear?

Unless you don’t want to be competitive in an inherently competitive mode then you don’t.

You don’t have to enchant your gear.
You don’t have to have set pieces.
You don’t have to worldpvp early in the season.
Hell, you don’t even have to play this game.

But if you want to be competitive then you do have to do all these things. Otherwise, you’re just gimping yourself.

Similar in the way you don’t have to push M+ keys if you don’t want better gear.

none of that is pve related. enchants are simply bought and set pieces you can get with pvp don’t need to do pve at all and the world pvp gear isn’t that great and it’s a pvp quest to get the upgraded gear that only good if you can’t get conquest gear

Sorry, I didn’t make it very clear:

Sparks of Dreams, flightstones for life-bound gear (or other).

sparks and flight stones you get from pvp and upgrading gear if you only pvp is pointless.

Can you get 4 sparks from PvP in one week? And how is it pointless if you only PvP? You can’t min max without the crafted gear.