Take Flourish for M+? (Resto)

Is Photosynth too good to not trade it for another CD? Wouldnt mind having one in Keys. Especially with Convoke being 1 Min. Seems like then I would always have a CD for damage phases.

Flourish isn’t really a CD that is going to move the needle in burst that is high enough in M+ so don’t think of it as being a big advantage over photo. 15% more healing over the next 6 seconds compared to photo is basically just up to personal preference at that point.

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If you really need that Flourish to handle damage events, it’s not the dumbest suggestion I’ve ever heard to take instead of Photosynthesis.

With that said, over the course of a key, Photosynthesis is responsible for a lot of extra healing that doesn’t really show up Details as being related to Photosynthesis directly. Specifically, Photosynthesis has synergy with Verdancy. The Lifebloom you put on a target that needs immediate healing along with other HoTs can net you quite a bit of extra Verdancy healing with the extra blooms. And that’s to say nothing of the permanent extra 10% faster HoTs compared to 25% for 10% of the time.

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Yeah this makes sense. I probably dont realize the great amount of healing of Photo. Sometimes though if there is unexptexcted big dam, Like a volley went off or a boss mechanic was missed, it would just be nice to have another button besides convoke.

Yeah it is tough to know the full impact because most of its impacts are buffing other things, meaning the benefit shows up on the other thing in the log. That extra bloom triggering Verdancy is just going to show up as another Verdancy heal in the log, for example.

As far as making do without Flourish, it’s important to keep in mind that guides and especially top level resto druids are making assumptions about how well the team will handle the mechanics. Having a passive increase to healing from Photosynthesis combined with proper use of interrupts, stops, and defensives opens the door for more globals going into damage output than an extra CD you are just saving for a rainy day. As we all get more practice in these dungeons and learn what needs to be stopped and when defensives need to be committed, it will become easier to predict the damage and not need Flourish.

At the end of the day, it’s week 1 of the first season of a new expansion. The amount of unnecessary damage going out unpredictably is going to be at its absolute highest. It makes sense for you to be feeling like the amount of damage you aren’t prepared for is unusually high. A month from now, I’d expect it will be much easier to have HoTs rolling at the appropriate times where you don’t feel the need for Flourish. Until then, if you need to run Flourish to keep your group standing, that’s far more important than following what some guide says you should be using.

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Our CDs for keys are absolutely horrible, but as mentioned above Lifebloom is really carrying Resto Druid, in Keys it’s literally 2nd of my heals trumped only by Regrowth.

Lifebloom is sort of that hero that works in the background, its healing is very valuable but you don’t really notice it until you look at logs.

Flourish imo isn’t going to make any solid difference in keys especially considering how fast and consistent certain bosses are with their burst AoE is.

I think the issue is and I’m still trying to come to terms to this myself, Resto Druid in TWW isn’t able to carry a group through, if your group is struggling they need to make sure they are using defensives, health pots and all to help slow down the burst for us to get them healthy.

Personally I think this Affix aswell has everyone hoarding their CC and so many casts go off freely which just makes our job even more difficult.

Convoke though is solid cd when RNG favours you, honestly they just need to remove the damage portion of Convoke when in player form and just let it actually heal.

I personally don’t see the appeal of Flourish anymore. 20% increased heals for like 6 seconds vs a permanent 10% uptime, plus the synergy with other abilities.

Flourish needs to be buffed back up to 100%, and lifebloom to 20% for it to ever be a viable choice.

Talents dont really matter. All your doing this season is spamming regrowth 90% of the time. Other heals dont really matter.

Yeah, great perspective/points and I agree. I did try the flourish thing tho, it wasnt strong enough on its own to feel like a OH CRAP button get of jail card. Quickly went back to Photo next dungeon.

I tried the rejuv/germ spam build as well. It heals super easy and big but you have zero mana about 12 seconds into the dungeon lol.

Correct. We feel more like disc priest now in this way. Do they intend R Druid to be a coordinated group healer only?

Honestly Flourish has never been a good get out of jail free card. Even at 100% and 8 seconds like it was before, we still had 6 globals before we could hit Flourish if we weren’t prepared for the incoming damage. By that point if nobody died then you didn’t really need Flourish in the first place. :slight_smile: I usually ran Verdant Infusion in keys back in DF instead of Flourish unless I needed the Flourish for some healing check that I could plan for.

Really the only way I think Flourish might help for M+ triage is more of a downstream impact by having it. If you use Flourish as a replacement for hitting GG, that would give you a spare GG charge for the unexpected damage. This certainly isn’t a great answer, but it’s kind of the only thing we’ve got to work with. I’ve found myself spamming regrowth a lot more than I previously would in keys when someone has an oopsie rather than any of our more traditional M+ healing options.

Flourish was pretty strong in SL, IIRC a wildgrowth into Flourish was strong

This depends on the nature of the damage coming in. Wild Growth’s falloff was still pretty significant with Flourish. Not to mention taking Flourish at all carried a pretty big opportunity cost of not having Photosynthesis; if you were taking it, you probably had damage checks in mind you were looking to overcome.

But as a standalone, yes you are correct. Most times a WG into Flourish would be enough to stabilize a group after an unexpected hit of damage. It’s just likely that using it that way would set you up for trouble later because giving up Photosynthesis for small group content wasn’t great.