the new “lfg” bs is causing a TON of errors and causing people to have horrendous lag spikes in rena matches. i had a shaman quit the lobby cause he was rubberbanding and my latency spiked massive during the match as well. even in valdrakken its horribly laggy. the new LFG is spamming invisible errors causing lag
Bold is he who queues on patch day.
Also I’m hearing that being AFK for a shuffle pop results in point loss.
yea i had people going berserk in my trade chat over it LOL
Good looking out.
gonna need to drop 200 rating neway
i still dont have 4 tier guess thats what i get for spending conq before vault and wasting my tier token too
lfg only sends errors (and its 2 errors and not even errors that are spammed every tick) when you open it. If you’re lagging horribly, your addons are likely to blame.
Clearly they do, as you’re lagging horribly.
ne1 got gladius working
why are your errors linked to chat and why are you not using the buggrabber and bugsack combo
cause i only use buggrabber idk lol
… what the absolute
based ngl.
The spaghetti is unraveling
Blizzard finally does something right, impressive.
I can’t wait for Blizzard to come out and say this is intentional.
Also I’m hearing that being AFK for a shuffle pop results in point loss
RSS Wintrading healers eternally btfo
the new “lfg” bs is causing a TON of errors and causing people to have horrendous lag spikes in rena matches. i had a shaman quit the lobby cause he was rubberbanding and my latency spiked massive during the match as well. even in valdrakken its horribly laggy. the new LFG is spamming invisible errors causing lag
was it a ragnaros, frostmourne or quelthalas lobby?