Take a Look at the WoW Companion App

For me, just logging, switching among toons on the realm, logging back and repeating that two more times would take more than 30 seconds per day. lol

Mobile Auction House please.

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Is the guild chat broken? Or just super not user friendly?

With as easy as you made the current game, you should be able to just send your character on missions from your phone. I literally went from level 50 to 58 without any gear on just using my weapon.
At this point, just have it so you can push a button and level. I had to use a defensive cooldown maybe 4 times and I was wearing gear from 2 xpacs ago

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I donā€™t know whatā€™s up, but I canā€™t get the app to work at all. I downloaded it, open it, and it prompts me to download assets, which I do. When itā€™s roughly 75% done, it closes. I open it up and itā€™s back at its previous download percentage. Iā€™ve been doing this for eight hours with no results. I donā€™t know what else to do. Not worth the time if the app doesnā€™t even download, let alone open.

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As I sat in Torgast waiting for my buddy to get there, my ā€œAvailable Missionsā€ bothered me. Why can I not do this autobattler from anywhere? Thatā€™s the point of idle gamesā€“to play mobile, not at a desk in front of a monitor in your sanctum hall.

Blizzard seems to have mixed up the PC and mobile contexts a lot lately ā€¦

I just figured it out! Tap and hold on the 3 banners err tabards at the top (button to the left of the Calendar) ā€¦
and hey Iā€™m level 60!


Thank you for that. I couldnā€™t figure out how to change xpacs!

What happens to the rewards we get when we complete a mission on the app? I canā€™t say Iā€™ve noticed receiving anything in-game for these. The won items should be mailed to our characters, or something else equally obvious, so our items donā€™t get lost or go missing unnoticed.

Iā€™m really not drunk enough for this app. Waitā€¦ I only have a land lineā€¦hic!

They go into your bags - just like they have for years.

Soul ash is definitely a tangible reward for the regular game. Wdym?