Tak-rethan: numerous bugs

  • There are very few airbubbles being generated throughout the area when it’s the rescuing niffen scenario. There were absolutely none close to the final boss platform within a reasonable distance (the closest was about double the distance that it leashes from the platform and required almost both charges of the RotA DK charger mobility skill).
  • Brann’s disengage would keep him about 15 yards off of the ground just floating in mid-air. Because I had him as a healer and I was playing a dps spec (UH DK), he was also pulling threat off of me and thus I’d have to be constantly gripping mobs off of him just to be able to hit them with melee skills.
  • I was doing this on my 602 UH DK and it took me 25 minutes just to get one pull of the final boss in and 50% before it leashed (and yes, I tried to cheese it with ghoul holding threat but again, it was too far away for me to be able to get back to boss to dps myself before I had to run back for air again).

And yes, I’m well-aware there are water breathing potions on the AH.

But if a delve mechanic can be cheesed with a cheap AH potion, then what is the point of the mechanic in the first place.

air bubble locations spawn in each spot where you rescue a niffen, just takes a few seconds after the rescue.

If you are talking about the final boss for the delve, that is after the rescue niffen part, at which point you should have an extra action button that spawns your own bubbles :slight_smile:

I would like to stress that the mobs still evade at random areas. To the point I lose all threat and any debuffs are dropped off the mobs.