Unable to loot curiosities while stuck in combat. Classes with feign also can’t get around it, since Brann will not feign with the group like most other standard NPC buddies.
Same here. Even Feigning Death on my hunter doesn’t work because as soon as I start looting I’m in combat with invisible mobs again.
Getting stuck in combat all the time. Everything is dead so I have no idea what im getting stuck in combat with.
Like everyone else, can’t loot any curiosities.
Same, always in combat. Even tried on hunter with feign death.
FIX: I went back above the water and the mob teleported to me and i was able to get out of combat.
I found the issue. Turns out there are these little fish called deepwater snappers that appear as though they are corpses after death and cannot be tab targeted. I found them, killed all but one that was stuck in an evasion loop. So, cant get treasures (except the ones at the end of the delve). Hope this helps.
This is still a thing. I get stuck in combat every time I run it, without fail.
Happened to me today, had to jump off the edge and die to clear combat.
had the same problem yesterday in that same delve on a nightelf - shadowmeld won’t take you out because Brann stays in combat.
This seriously is the only way I can get ‘darling’ Brann out of combat. I hope he appreciates the sacrifice lol
I had this happen today. I just finished the delve, and then was out of combat with everything dead, and went back to loot.
I had this problem today and none of the suggestions worked. I finished the Delve and was still in combat so after looting the chests I logged out briefly and logged back in. I was no longer in combat and I was able to loot all the curios.
This issue has gone on for a long time. Is it possible that the way the platforms are built that the sharks swimming under are agro’d somehow? I know at one point a shark just disappeared into the ground and I wondered if that wasn’t the one keeping me in combat.
Whatever it is, I really hope it gets fixed since you don’t regen properly while in combat and Bran doesn’t make campfires.
Happening to me now. Still not fixed.
This instance is pathetically buggy. Stuck in combat the entire run, every time I try it, even after opening the treasure cave.
Bug still happening. Getting stuck in combat with mobs that are in the floor and unreachable with any spells.