Taivan no longer big

Please fix


NGL, was going to be getting this achievement done and receive the mount today… then I heard they made him smaller… truly do not understand why they would do this.

Please revert this change, nobody is happy with this.


Like legit.
What’s the point of expansion meta rewards if can’t even be accurate to their size. That’s what made this so unique, Taivan was his ACTUAL SIZE.


general forums livid


Taivans size was a massive part of his questline, make him big again! He’s half the size of his in-game model!


What’s the point of Taivan being described as such a large size in his questline history if you later reduce that size in his mount form? Bring big boy Taivan back, we don’t want any small mounts! :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:


still small :frowning:


Taivan is way smaller than he was, please fix this terrible bug. If it’s a feature, change it back, and we’ll call it an unintended bug.


This unironically is a huge spit in the face to all those that worked hard on this achievement. Not only that, but to the character of Taivan himself as well… like why would they do this? Shameful.


This is so incredibly unfair.

So many of us started this achievement based on the original Taivan model and have been chipping away at this mammoth of a meta achievement for a while now.

For me personally, there’s so much of this achievement that involves content that honestly doesn’t really interest me. There’s no way that I’d be doing every Elemental Storm, or the Whelp Daycare, or finishing every single bloody Hunt Companion colour if it wasn’t for this meta achievement. And to then pull the ol’ switcharoo and fundamentally change the reward after it had been in the game for several weeks, well, that’s just awful.

This on top of not receiving my Black Scales for the Netherwing Drake and it just feels like there’s no point in doing half of the stuff in the game because you’ll either not get your reward, get your reward changed or be able to get the same thing a little bit later with exponentially less work.


Hoping this is an unintended bug and can be correct as Taivan’s uniquely large size was part of the point regarding his storyline and it appears alot of the appeal for people to acquire him and complete the meta.


FINALLY finished my meta achievement this morning and eagerly mounted up only to find my toon on a now unremarkable dog that took weeks to earn. I beg you revert this mount to its original size.


How about fixing the bugs for the achievements in the meta to get it and the double storms instead of wasting time thinking of the look of a mount and doing changes to it? Blizzard come on, this is a waste of brain cells… Work on the bugs!


One of the only really cool things about the very end of expansion mounts was the giant dog.

Now my zandalari troll’s feet can nearly touch the ground while riding.

Why did this happen? No one wanted it smaller. NO ONE. Please change it back


Does anyone know why they actually would’ve even done this? I’m legitimately trying to think of a logical reason as to why this might’ve occurred. Maybe the mount literally didn’t fit through certain areas? If not, I gotta agree with the Wowhead forums that are going ape!@#$ right now… GIGA L

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Cool, I was grinding the hell out of the acheiv and now I don’t want to anymore…gg bliz


Kind of insane that they’d do this AFTER everyone had been farming these achieves.


Revert the change, Taivan is already a boring reward, making him small is just insult to injury.


Blizzard there is many, many people upset about this change. it doesn’t take long to just resize the saddle and few things on him to scale correctly with previous model. At least do a blue post and give the community a chance to vote if they want his old size back. Then if its a overwhelming no it’s on the players. If it’s a yes to old size back, then size him back up and resize the too large saddle down.

Also to those posting here make sure you do suggestions in game support to help push the agenda whether it be reverting it or a vote.


When I saw the size of the dog I decided to get it, I had to set alarms during the night to be able to catch the storms that I was missing, more than half of the grace of the mount was its size, its enormous size is in line with its meta achievement, and I was extremely disappointed yesterday when I mounted the now not so big good boy, this is a BIG L, please Blizz, fix it.