Tailoring + Enchanting or Skinning?

I plan to make a mage for Classic. Tailoring will be my main profession, for bags/gear, and everyone always says to take Enchanting with it since you can DE all of the items made while skilling up. While that’s true on a level, I remember Enchanting being horrible to skill up in Vanilla due to eventually needing more and more greens/blues to feed into it.

I have limited play time now, and probably won’t be dungeon running very much (for more gear to DE). That makes me look at Enchanting as a huge gold sink versus a gathering profession where I can just collect as I quest and sell the mats. I’m leaning toward Skinning since I’ll need leather sometimes for Tailoring patterns and I’ll have to kill tons of beasts for quests.

Arguments either way?

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Everyone will be taking skinning early on because its easy and mining/herb has the annoying switching issue, so prices will be low for skins. However after people get to max level that’ll change a bit because they’ll have time and alts to run up gathering professions.

While leveling, be Tailor/Skin, then at max level, drop Skinning for Enchanting. Keep all of your green tailoring crafts as fodder to level up Ench at Lv.60.

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Enchanting is expensive with no guaranteed return on the cost. It can be a good profession, making decent money enchanting greens and putting them on the AH, but the longer the server is up, the harder it becomes since 300 enchants can go on level 1 gear. You’re going to risk losing a lot of potential money in selling stuff on the AH, so make sure you have a solid plan going into it if you’re taking enchanting. It can make you a ton of money, but it takes a ton of work and planning.

If I recall correctly, enchanting is by far the most time consuming and expensive profession to level (also the most lucrative when it’s maxed). If you plan to play more casually, skinning is a better bet. You can skin while you quest and it tends to level a lot faster than other gathering professions.

If you play on my server, please pick enchanting. Somebody needs to buy the greens I plan on selling :slight_smile:

I have considered leveling a Mage as well, rogue has been a main since TBC. and since I don’t have beta access I’ve been reading, collecting guides addons you name it. I think enchanting will be better in the long run. Plenty of other ways to get gold don’t rely on skinning.

Enchanting is only going to be profitable if you plan on raiding (aka getting raid enchant recipes).

Yeah that’s something else I’m afraid of. I don’t have much free time so running occasional dungeons with friends will probably be my end game.

Why tailoring while leveling? Shouldn’t you do herb/skin or mine/skin because you’ll be collecting all the cloth you need anyway?

Tailoring/Herbalism for the real win.

I did skinning/tailoring in vanilla as well as fishing and plan on repeating that. I made decent coin to occasionally buy greens off the AH. Market demand for leather was iffy but I still had the option to vendor leather if the market was flooded. I did farm devilsaurs, turtles, and scorpids a lot for their specific skins/scales. I did have a fun time trying to get my hands on Finkle’s skinner because I was a clothie. :neutral_face:

Only take enchanting if you want to have it as an endgame profession… it is totally a gold sink.

With that said, you COULD take it just to level high enough to craft the lesser magic wand and greater magic wand. These are very powerful to have as a mage early on.

Then drop and take skinning.

Otherwise just take skinning and VENDOR your skins, auction your hides. There will be times when you come across a bunch of already dead beasts to skin for free silver/gold plus the ones you need to kill.

This is very fast money early game.

Later, drop it for your permanent second choice profession… portal making… :stuck_out_tongue:

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How many alts are you creating for bank slots or just going to ping pong mats for 60 levels in the mail system?

I don’t recommend Enchanting based on what you’re saying how you’re going to play. I played a mage at the very end of Vanilla and it was a real grind, and I was hopelessly broke. This time, I don’t want to spend my limited time playing standing in Stormwind or Undercity advertising my enchanting services (remember – no vellums). If I roll a mage, I’m going Tailoring and Skinning to start. I’ll swap out Skinning for another gathering profession, or maybe Engineering if I level a farming character. My two cents.

For the tailor-made gear and bags on the way up. Plus, at max level some of the best pre-raid items are tailor BoP.

Probably one storage alt for bank/auction.

Living the dream of holding greens for 60 levels :stuck_out_tongue:
You could always make alt DE and store the mats more easily for later.

What switching issue attached to herbalism?

Go mining. The ores you gather are worth a lot at any stage of the game unlike the myriad of nearly worthless hides and herbs that are better off sold to a vendor. Tailoring is good too since you’ll acquire the reagents for it with no additional effort on your part.