Tailoring Chronocloth/Azureweave Bolt Cooldowns are still not functioning properly

Either Something is going WAY over my head, I really don’t understand the cooldown on these bolts, or it’s still bugged. Either way there NEEDS to be more clarification on what’s allowed with these bolts or disable them until it’s corrected. I’m making them when I see my cooldown is up, but it’s insanely inconsistent.

Earlier in the week after the “fix” and the heavy handed ban-waves (which I wasn’t apart of, thankfully) My Chronocloth which is maxed out was coming off about 12 hours or so, however occasionally the tooltip would still be bugged out and it would randomly “reset” to 20 or 30 charges, but if you attempted to craft more it wouldn’t complete. The button basically didn’t do anything. I leveled up my tailoring enough to make Azureweave Bolts and it appeared that these were around 16 hours after I made my maximum. I don’t recall if I made any yesterday, I was going to just make a few on the weekend when I had time to log on and get some order. When I logged on tonight both my cooldowns are showing full, I know I probably shouldn’t have all my charges, but if the tooltip was still bugged I have no way of knowing exactly how many I can craft. My only goal in crafting these is selling them. It’s the only profitable thing I can make on any of my professions since prices are all over the place. I got enough mats to cover it in case they kept creating thinking, worst case I’d have some leftover. It allowed me to craft all 30 Chronocloth charges and 10 Azureweave.

My main goal after seeing it was allowing me to craft beyond what I thought I be at. (I knew I’d have more than 1 or 2 charges, but didn’t think I’d have more than 10) was to see what the CD says. My initial thought was maybe the CD was nerfed. Now it says Chronocloth will cooldown in 16 hours. Same as Azureweave. But I have Chronocloth maxed out and only 4 points so far in Azurewave so that doesn’t make sense.

Do these come off cooldown faster if you allow charges to generate? Is that by design? Was there a reset on the cooldown intentionally? The tooltip needs to do a better job of explaining exactly how it should function, but I am aware that’s already been noted by Blizzard. If I am at risk of getting banned in the future if I continue to craft these things, please disable in until it’s fixed, or just let me know that there is no plan to fix it and we have to manage a self restricted cooldown and I’ll just drop Tailoring altogether, because that’s ridiculous.

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please fix this I want to sell tailoring items but i dont want to get banned just for crafting and leveling professions


Also, as I typed this I just checked in game again it says I have 20 of 30 Chronocloth bolts available, but my Azureweave is still around 16 hours. Is it a tooltip bug or did my charges reset? I am afraid to go try.

i had none left of 20 i went to check the auction house and i got 10 charges back after making 2

I haven’t many any bolts for a few days. I made 5 earlier; and it says I have 20 out of 30. I am fully specc’d into Azureweaving & when I press create, it just clicks and does nothing. Please help

Azureweave seems to reset back to 10/20 for me when I zone, but when I relog the correct cooldown time is shown for having 0 left.

It is 17 hours later and I am able to craft one. The game still shows I have 20 out of 30. What is the actual cooldown on bolts? I have 20 in Draconic Needlework, 30 in Azureweave Tailoring, and 20 in Azureweaving.

Yesterday, I finally got my tailoring to 75 after making the wrong path choice. Crafted my first Azureweave Bolt and was locked out for 16hours. Today, I went to try again, crafted one and was locked out. I am also confused

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This is how it’s supposed to function. (I think) You’re only supposed to be able to make 1 every 16ish hours and there is a “charge” system so you aren’t wasting time by not making one right on the 16 hour mark. So you can pool 10/20/30 based on specialization. For me I’m maxed out in Chronocloth and sometimes it says 12, sometimes 16, sometimes I log on the next day and can make 30 again. it makes no sense and Blizzard’s only announcement on the matter is that they “fixed” the bug.

Also Speccing further into the tree makes it so you can “craft Azureweave/Chronocloth Bolts more often”, but the spec tree is devoid of any details on that.

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I think it’s like that really, but 1 every 16 hour is so low, and what confuses me is that when was start of the expansion, I would get like 10 charges a day, now that i’ve used them all, they seem to recharge so slow, don’t really understand too how it works.

It seems like they fixed the “too many charges” issue on the backend when they said they did, but only really fixed the client-side just recently.

Just to clarify, I’m well aware of the UI error where it says you have charges and it stops. That’s not my issue. Every other day I’m actually able to physically craft all my of bolts. Something I am unintentionally doing must be one of the things that were being exploited, but I don’t know what it is. All I do on that toon if I log into it is herb a little, make some bolts, hearth and list them on the AH. Occasionally I’ll run a dungeon but I primarily do all that kind of content on my main. In order to keep my charges under max I’ll buy order/air/frost to keep up since it’s still profitable. If I buy 40 awakened orders today, craft all the bolts, tomorrow I can probably craft another 40.

Something is still very wrong with crafting these bolts. Other crafters in the area told me I could make 20 the first time then I had to wait a day to make more. But the crafting UI had no indication anywhere that there was a limit. So after I made 15 the crafting stopped and the UI suddenly said I had to wait 1 hour 15 minutes to make more.

So what is it, one hour or one day? And why doesn’t the UI give me any indication of how many I can actually make?

EDIT: So when I went back after a couple hours to make more, the UI now said I had 1 pf 20 bolts I could make, but after making just one, is displayed another cool down of 15 hours! This system feels very random. Why isn’t there a consistent cool down time and a accurate indication of how many bolts we can make?

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Yeah there is def still a bug, if i dont log on a char for a day i will get all my charges back.
Its very frustrating cuz i spent all my points on it and i dont really know how much i can make.
Iam for now making about 3 bolts each 2 days on average, since i think the cooldown is 16hours when full speced.
There is a guy with 300ish bolts for sale on AH almost every day, he could be buying to sell but i really doubt.
I reported and made a couple posts about it but i dont think they really read or care, i mean, tickets take more than 30days to be answered.
Imo Blizz atm has the worse dev/communication team of all top mmos.
Last update from known issues is from Dec 19, that should tell something.

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whats dumb is people put in work orders for 20 plus of the bolts for 2g max for a tip when its 16hr cd lol this whole profession system screwed tailors so badly