T8 Underkeep delve boss, Ven'kex

What psychopath designed this fight?


This is the only one I’ve had a major problem with so far.

She either resets or chain casts that web spell and my kick is on a 45sec CD so I can interrupt them all.

I’ve tried fearing her, rooting, fade+disperse everything I can think of and I can’t figure out the strategy for spriest on this one to do the interrupts.

Not sure why she despawns mid fight, but I was using the doorway as LOS for the 2nd web cast so maybe I was too far out of the room?

edit: I tried it on T7 also, same results, just gave up for the nite.

The damage of the spell casters are insane lolz , especially the channeled ones. Some hit for like 5 million then leave a dot that ticks 2 million . :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah that fight is rough. I couldn’t keep my felhunter alive to do any interrupts but finally was able to kite her for 10 mins using just dots, and got her down. If you can’t interrupt, it’s over Johnny.

I didn’t have any problems getting to the last boss.
Just had to be patient and play smart.

But boy that web spell with with a long cd kick seems like it’s not doable for some classes.

psure my dk or dh could spell lock her with that 12sec Cd on their kicks or whatever it is.

Some of these Delves the bosses at the end are harder then the damn raid bosses. No joke
The bosses need to be toned down 100%

Underkeep is just not worth doing, delves are my new favorite feature but they really do need someone to actually take a bit to do some tuning on the numbers for some of them.

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tink it was that weird lady who hangs round the water fountain

I didn’t think it was so bad, not great of course but basically just takes a voidlord as tank and a lot of self healing but other than that even without interrupting the web spell at all I was able to beat her.

I don’t mind the difficulty.

I think if theres going to be a mechanic like the web casts that must be kicked or die then all classes should have either a low enough CD on the kick or some other way to stop the cast.

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i ran out of keys so

I noticed they once again hotfixed Brann and his healing potions cap at 4. Two days ago I could stack eight and heal for 2.2m every three seconds.

He still throws 6-8 though which are useless since they fade away by the time I need them, lol

I had to do it a few times on my Warlock because I have no kick. Basically had to rotate defensives and save potions for that cast. It took me a few times but I finally got it.

This was on tier 5. I was able to beat this as a destruction Warlock and Voidwalker. I had to cheat in a way because it was impossible to avoid the web. I pulled her towards the door where you enter the room and had my VW tank her there. Since she was close to the door she was in casting range. When she started casting that web crap, I’d go around the corner and break line of sight, then return to the fight.

The only unfair fight is the one you lose, so yeah, it worked.

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For casuals like me this is a very tough boss. on a DK it’s not so bad. It took 10 times. I did a level7 delve at ilvl 574. Spec into frost, and Brann as healer. Do AOE damage as much as possible with heart strike to prep death strike. Dont use death strike until < 50% health. When the web colored bubble is under her, prepare to mind freeze her. The other stuff you just need to avoid. Once you get the mechanics it’s not a terrible fight, but very long. The web spell is the only thing you can block (and you need to).

Im necroing this thread because I can never remember the name of this boss, but she is a killer. I managed to kill her on one of my alts finally. Going back into Underkeep this weekend to see if I can do it again.

Oh you haven’t done a t11 yet, the joys of actual mini-bosses showing up is super fun.

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