T4 Prot/Holy Paladin LF Late Night Raiding Guild


I am a long-time player since original TBC. I am currently looking for a late-night raiding guild to jump in with for raiding. I am full tier 4 for both Holy and Prot, I will play either and have a full set of epic gear for Ret as well. I would love to get into BT/HM with a guild to get to experience it again before Wrath. I have been everything from casual to hardcore raiding, M+ Key Masters as a competitive gamer in retail and have played almost every class. I just want somewhere relaxed that likes to push content and at a late night when there are no kids to take care of and the wife is asleep (no aggro).

Reach out to me please on discord at Whiskey@2325.


I am also on Horde Faerlina. Not sure why it linked my gross alliance priest.