Hello everyone! It’s crazy that it’s that time already, but we are looking for more to join us in 11.1! Tèam Rocket has been established for over 8 years now (absolutely wild that’s been this long) and we are looking to continue to grow our team. Over the years we have managed to foster a very strong group of players that share a very similar value. Blast some bosses while having a good time. We don’t ever stress about checkpoints throughout the raid or anything like that, rather we just do what content we can while laughing at ourselves along the way.
What we are looking for is people who share similar values. Adults who understand that this is a game, but also understand that we are all adults with limited time so we all respect each others. We are looking for those that can be serious when they need to be but also laugh when they need and most of all understand this game isn’t a job.
We are open to all DPS classes with a high priority on the below.
*Demon Hunter
Our raid times are Saturday/Sunday 9:30am to Noon EST.
If anyone of above sounds like what you are looking for please contact any of the following:
(GM) Burntlettuce#1968
(Officer) Maxwest#1865
(Officer) YAYTIFFY#1381