<Syzygy>| Friday/Saturday 8-11 pm EST | 3/8H 8/8N - Adult AoTC+ | LF DPS

still looking for a couple more for tww raiding

Up for a few more raiders!

Needing another warlock still. Come join our family-like guild.

:two_hearts: :heart: :two_hearts: :heart: :two_hearts: :heart: :two_hearts:

Good evening wow friends. Come join our fun loving team!

Hey there, long time mythic raider here.

Looking to Melee DPS and OS Tank in raid, happy to help tank mythic+ to lend a hand there.

I’ve got my DK and my Warrior leveled and DH is next on the list.

Fury has been shaping up to be my favorite this expansion so far but I haven’t tried DH yet so I saw there is a need there so that’s a definite possibility.

Would love to discuss and see if there’s a match here.

WettyMcPants#1528 is my bnet.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Hey folks!

Been playing on and off since vanilla, and I’m back for TWW. Hoping to joing a guild and meet some active people this time around.

I have my prot pally at 80, but my frost mage and resto druid are next on the list. I can fill any role that’s needed once my toons are leveled. Have led heroic raid teams in a few of the xpacs, and am happy to help people with anything.

BNET is Koralon#11977 if you’d like to chat!

g’day world o warcraft

Back to the top!

Needing more friends for great guild!

bumpity bump

To the top again!

Hello zenyaz;

I am a returning veteran that took a year break, i do main a warlock and your schedule seems perfect for mine. I have raided up to AOTC multiple times and push keys also.

I have added both Cat and Cloud to discord and bnet so we can chat. I do hope you can find some time that we can talk.

Thank you

Hello all! Are y’all still in need of a Resto Shaman? If so I’d like to join your group. I’m looking to Raid and do Mythic Dungeons

Hey Nostramo, hit me up on discord or bnet and we can chat : )
Discord Contact(s):
Cat: crazy_catz
BNet Contact(s):
Cat: quirk#1650

bumpity for more friends : )

We be needin’ a cookie machine

bumpity for raid release

gogo lockitup

I have cookies. :grimacing: