<Syzygy>| Friday/Saturday 8-11 pm EST | 3/8H 8/8N - Adult AoTC+ | LF DPS

So excited for TWW.

We don’t have a druid for anyone reading this that may still need a home.

Ohhh. Needing druid! :heart_eyes:

Sent an ingame friend request. I’m YarMah

TGIF tww almost here!

mornin wow world wtb dps!

the countdown is on!

Ready for early access!

would love to add another mage or warrior to the team!

Mage? maybe ele? maybe enh? maybe rogue? come check us out!

Possibly interested! I come with my husband as well. I main a ret pally and a mage (currently arcane) and an aug evoker. I also have a discipline priest. My husband has a havoc dh and a Druid and a mage. I’m not sure which toon he’d bring because he does already belong to a raid team. I’d have to ask. I haven’t played much since the beginning of the year, though, so I’m a little behind gear wise. I’m wanting to find friends that I feel that I belong with. I have been in guilds in the past where they’ve stopped playing, but 15 years later we’re still irl friends. I’ve been playing since BC and hubby has been playing since BFA. Let me know if we sound like people you’d be interested in having.

Hello Alleda : ) Happy to have you both! Raiding is definately not required and many members mostly do m+, mog runs and such : ) Add me and we can chat more : )
Discord: crazy_catz
Bnet: quirk#1650

countdown is on

tww almost here! roster almost full!

Up for more friends.

Needing another warlock! :heart:

:heart: everyone in this guild :heart:

Happy Friday!

Still needing another warlock. Also a dps DH would be lovely.

Hello world!

leveling a leveling