System flags

Having an entire public rage fit is not normal. Sharing a picture of a funny cat is normal, borderline stalking and rage posting for an entire day is not normal, especially within the confines of instigating negative interactions. Which is pretty blatantly what you are doing.

Seriously or not, it proves my point on you further.

Because you’re using the responses to your inflammatory posting as an excuse to badly create a twitter presence.

Spending all day on twitter, and some today too, posting about the same players repeatedly is not “making fun” it’s actually unhinged and not normal.

And I wonder why people don’t. odd.

Your twitter posting leads me to believe that any discussion with you would not include any good faith discourse from you. So I didn’t expect any. Just glad to see you defend your tantrum online. Gives me a sensible chuckle.

And you wouldn’t spend an entire day malding on twitter if you weren’t upset.
If I was bothered, I’d walk away. However seeing you defend your tantrum amuses me. Especially since you regurgitate classic internet phrases and pose only leading questions when you have no rebuttal.

Essentially I am waiting for the “u mad bro?” which technically has already happened. How’s 2008 treating you?

That isn’t what you are doing, but further shines light on you as a person. It’s the internet, walk away.

“posting all day on twitter to one comment and maybe one like” fits that for me. YMMV.

You clearly don’t want a discussion. Adjusted people who want a discussion don’t freak out online all day when disagreed with.

You entirely can. You 100% can. Not waving this a badge of honor or something I’m bragging on but having been stalked they will 100% find you.

and as I said, in an attempt to have this discourse with you (the sigh is unnecessary) those cases would more than likely be minimal and caught out easy.

Likely walking away from this as I’m having flashbacks to 4chan level trolling from you. Im sure ill see your opinions later on twitter where you can get away with a lot more negativity than you attempt to here.

I may read your response I may not. Leaning towards doing the smart thing and walking away but seeing you defend a rage fit over being mad online is pretty amusing.

INB4 comment about “not wanting a discussion” or “echo chambers”.