Syncing the games music between 2 players computers?

My wife and I play the game together often, and sit close enough that the music audio from both our machines can be heard at the same time.

Much of the time, the music is completely out of sync with each other. Just curious if there is a way through an addon to be able to sync the music that is being played in the background.

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Can’t think of any way that’d be possible.

The only answers I can think of:

  1. One or both use headphones.
  2. One turns off music.

This would be great. But even if there was a way for an addon to capture the moment a new music file is started in game (hooking the PlaySound() function does not seem to work for music), and even if that addon then used a method (like the chat box) to make the addon on another computer start the same music file, it would probably never be 100% in sync, and therefore sound pretty bad. So what Sniperorc suggested is probably your best bet. Sorry.

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