Sync exploiting is out of hand

Which was the referred subject of the following sentence, I will bold where it is referenced.

For someone with “higher education in linguistics” you aren’t very bright with them.

Like I said, even if it were, it shouldn’t matter.
Even if was fully premade vs. premade, all games (by then why even have solo queuing?).

Thankfully, BG Blitz already alleviates a lot of those issues and might be their half-baked answer for this.

I don’t understand. Did you think bolding another selective word would make your point any more pronounced or valid? This is still semantics, my guy.

Read the rest of the paragraph and then get back with me. Until then, you’re just being a silly boy.

Ironic because that’s a quote from the community manager. But like normal you are insulting people.

It does say that, but that’s for us players, Blizzard doesn’t have to abide by those rules, they have their own internal policies.

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This is semantics:

My moving two asterisks to include context you felt unnecessary is not.

With the way Blizzard handles a lot of things, people don’t really like. But at the end of the day, we’re still giving them money, we still have to go by what they say, even if somethings doesn’t make sense.

It is Blizzard after all.

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Their stance on this is not even in the galaxy of “complex”. They defined their stance on it in a couple of sentences.

Nobody said that people queueing at the same time was cheating so that’s a strawman. But take note of what you obviously breezed over with this out-of-context quote:

And when those “other means” are 3rd party platforms that people are using to communicate when to click the queue button so they can get into larger-than-permitted groups, that is cheating as defined in the code of conduct. And while Vrak does not make the rules, if I marched him into this thread and explained queue-syncing, I guarantee with almost absolute certainty that he would say it is cheating.

I guess you don’t mean yourself lol

It’s been a long time since someone has told you you’re wrong, hasn’t it?


if communicating via discord or in-game voice chat was a way of exploiting, everyone would’ve been banned by now.

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Imagine being sync exploit denier in 2024


Not remotely. What about you? You’ve spent a lot of effort typing a lot of superfluous garbage in the hopes I’d get caught up in details. I did not.

Nobody said this either. Why do you not address what people are actually saying?

The exploit is using communication platforms to coordinate large groups of people that cannot fit into a single party, so that they can all queue into the same battleground together where that would be purely a matter of luck otherwise.


nobody is saying using chat is exploiting… it’s the syncing that’s exploiting…

Because the answer has already been shown, and given. It is just the answer people do not like.

Accusing me of being superfluous when your argument is predicated on a single word is wild.

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Repeating the same lie over and over doesn’t make it the truth.

You should repeat that in the mirror next time to yourself.

Generally, Blizzard has altered the game to remove degenerate strategies. Generally, quickly.

I don’t see in what universe that getting a larger than 5 player coordinated group into one side of a battleground using external means isn’t a degenerate strategy.

It creates a situation where the coordinated side will inevitably win, and the opposing side will do just as well stepping to the side of the graveyard and watching videos until the BG ends.

It’s the very definition of a degenerate strategy, and comes with the added issue of creating unfun, which typically hasn’t concerned Blizzard, but which seems to have attracted some attention ever since the horror of Shadowlands and acquisition by Xbox.

Winners and losers can have fun in PvP, but only when the match is fair.