Have you guys tried this and if so what do you think? I feel like I’m really starved for talent points in my class tree and I’m wondering if it’s worth it. I’ve tried it in a few dungeons and it doesn’t seem to be doing a lot of healing when I look at details. I’ve only had it on the tank so far, but I could see value in having it on a squishy dps for some healing checks.
Also, in general how do you guys feel about the new talent tree? I don’t particularly like either one more than the other, though I do feel more starved for points in this new one.
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Hi! I have tried it on my druid Elmyouu but the issue is that I forgot to use it (lol) so I need to set up a WeakAura for that. I will probably copy the Aug one and edit it. In the meantime I did 15s without it and the healing felt fine, except for the start of pulls where I think I need to be using 2-3 grove guardians right then
I wasn’t crazy about the class tree as they keep pushing catweaving or owlweaving (I liked last patch better where it seems like they were going in the direction of making human form wrath spam decent) but really liked the resto tree (still, as I think it has been the same for a while). I really enjoy this double rejuvenation in M+ key and raid, and I like that rejuv can do a nice chunk of healing right away! I also noticed that my healing spells do more without as many hots up and I like that. I guess this is the mastery change.
I do wonder if I have this on a guardian tank who has it on me, is it like a geometric series? I get 8% of theirs, they get 8% of that and I get 8% of that 0.64% and so on? Obv not a huge deal but I like funky double interactions like that (same with mage intellect buff buffing Aug which buffs the mage more)
I also would like wrath and regrowth to be castable while moving, I feel like this would get me out of some jams
For resto it should be baseline I’d prefer they added symbiosis from mists as a talent choice that would have been nice.
I like it, but I think that how valuable it can be for you is very dependent on healing style.
For example, I take Photosynthesis and Undergrowth. That means I’m almost always keeping a Lifebloom on the tank and myself for the faster periodic heals. I take Rampant Growth which means I almost always have a free Regrowth ticking on the tank and myself. Along with other talents that synergize with Lifebloom and/or Regrowth, and the fact that i’m always keeping my other HoTs on the tank also, that’s a lot of healing on both me and the tank right there that is being passed back and forth now due to Symbiotic Relationship.
I think another big factor here is the way that our Mastery was changed. It was a decent buff at small stack counts but a nerf at medium and high stack counts. The character that I always kept the most HoTs on was the tank, with myself often being #2. That means the Mastery change will be a nerf to our tank healing and our self healing to a lesser extent. This slots in nicely to compensate for that.
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I think its a pain to manage with the cast time and falling off on death, and i dont think its worth recasting mid raid fight unless its really early in or theres a down phase with nothing else going on. Works decent with the lifebloom build in keys though where you can recast it between packs a little easier and you do more natural self healing for it to replicate(same for bears).
As a class talent i think its pretty disappointing and im hoping its just season placeholder for a more spec/role adapting talent, like a kindred spirit rework, or changing it to be % our self healing to them, % there self healing to us so its useful to feral and balance.
For the new class tree the only thing i think is a downgrade is innervate blocking vigil for non-resto’s doing solo content, want those flipped for 3/4 specs routing.
Boomy’s baselines being the only one that cant reach all capstones is odd too, but with all the old routing complaints they probably figured boomy would go for frenzied to reach cleanse and the feral/guardian capstones instead of taking wildgrowth anyway.
Not having to take physical or magic damage nodes to reach utility capstones, more fleixible routing to defensives and heals, baseline/easier cleanse, and the learned on speccing being bumped from 2 to 3 are all wins in my book.
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it seems really cool, and i like that they’ve added something new to think about to the tree…but it does seem a bit weak. I personally wish they added some sort of Symbiosis (MoP style) node to the tree as the party “link” ability…but this works for now.
Not sure i’m going to take it though, but maybe it wasn’t meant to be solely for restoration druids, so I understand why it doesn’t come off as our talent.