Sylvannas negativity

Yeah I know, but I am trying to keep it focused on the key characters surrounding Crow. I am just bringing in the other characters to provide examples of the already mentioned characters remaining consistent since Small claims that the reason why characters like Ikora and Zavala welcome Crow in open arms is “bad writing” even when it isn’t.

What would be bad writing would be Ikora welcoming Crow in, but refusing to allow Mithrax and his House of Light in. Both characters were enemies of the Vanguard in the past but through either death and reincarnation and / or actual efforts to redeem themselves, Ikora forgave them both and welcomed them in.

Characters like Petra and Lakshmi-2 are written to be in the wrong, while also being justified in their beliefs. Which is why Saint-14 is a good foil character during Season of the Splicer.

The difference between Petra and Lakshmi is that Petra realized that her treatment to Crow was wrong. Lakshmi on the other hand doubled down on her anger and hatred. And that allowed Savathun (as Orisis) to trick her into summoning the Vex into the Last City.

There are other characters that have done wrong to the Vanguard. One of them we had to put our anger aside since we had a common enemy (see Beyond Light for that). However that character is willing to face judgement for their actions afterwards.

Okay, scrolling back through the thread it seems a lot of comments were deleted, including some of mine and I did not delete them.

Like the whole discussion between myself and Akiyass is completely gone except for the post where I said Maievs characterization in wolfheart is consistent with her characterization in WC3 and I explained why I feel that way.

This post is post 410 according to the link

But it shows it as post 348 on the post scroller. The post above it is post 352 on the link (click on the timestamp)

That is a big jump to go from 352 to 410. Nearly 60 posts got deleted.

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Elise Starseeker

Soulciologist Malicia

Shan'do Wildclaw

Speaker Gidra

Mozaki, Master Duelist

High Abbess Alura

Mindrender Illucia

Instructor Fireheart

Archwitch Willow

Wretched Tutor

Violet Teacher

Religion and cults

Natalie Seline

Madame Lazul

Hagatha the Witch

High Exarch Yrel

High Inquisitor Whitemane

Blood-Queen Lana'thel

This text will be hidden

Glinda Crowskin

Lady Anacondra

High Priestess Jeklik

Cult Master

Rulers and heirs

Spiritsinger Umbra
I don’t know why, she seems like a ruler to me.

Princess Talanji

Tess Greymane

Countess Ashmore

Sylvanas Windrunner

Blood-Queen Lana'thel

Anka, the Buried

Princess Huhuran

Grand Empress Shek'zara

Lady Prestor


Cariel Roame

Commander Rhyssa

Captain Hooktusk

Militia Commander

Aya Blackpaw

Battleground Battlemaster

Leatherclad Hogleader

Wardruid Loti

Saronite Taskmaster

Maiev Shadowsong

Vanessa VanCleef


Captain Eudora

Queen Wagtoggle

Sky Admiral Rogers


Electra Stormsurge

Stargazer Luna

Myra Rotspring

Dr. Morrigan

It seems like everything…Well, what could I have confused or forgotten? M… everything?

Mda, the pictures didn’t survive.
Rare · Spell · Rise of Shadows · Spend all your Mana. Destroy a minion with that much Attack or less.

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It appears the “Doness Plague” has spread - it must be contained!

Well, I guess there is a silver lining to every dark cloud :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

It was a repeat of a discussion from a few years ago. Honestly I’m glad its gone. Didn’t want to go down that rabbit hole again.

Plot twist. Doness is actually a moderator on an alt account.

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Wasn’t this the lesson that the Celestials had about Garrosh? That was made pointless when he was killed? Then killed again?

I hate her because of Teldrassil. It was my first zone. My first character was a NE. I had to play through and experience the genocide of my favorite race and the destruction of the first zone I ever played in along with a beautiful city that I loved.
I also hate the fact that they are trying to sweep that under the rug and depending on the time it’s either the Horde’s fault or her fault. When it was BFA, blame was shifted to her, now it’s being shifted back to the Horde.
It really feels like they wanted to have us play through an act of genocide purely for shock value but not have to deal with the aftermath or anything. This makes it worse now that it feels like the Night Warrior thing was a knee-jerk reaction and throw-in at the last minute.


We have Zagara, the new Queen of the Zerg.
Selendis, Executor of the Protoss
Auriel, angel of hope
Ana from Overwatch

Overall pretty good I would say.

Ana is a government official? Volskaya?
“Characters” - commentators - do HotS count? Queen Beladonna (ruler of the Dragonlands, wife of a petrified dragon-husband); Lady Night (the owner of the Garden of Horrors); Spider Queen Neitis?

Can I ask you how you came up with this characters name. Did you intentionally name your character after an Egyptian Goddess?

It’s a really good choice for a Warlock.

Yes and ty. I usually name my characters after mythological characters.


Nice! “The Hidden One” that plays in well with Warlock lore when you are summoning demons from the twisting Nether.

Was it a personal choice based on knowledge of occult? Do you worship Baphomet irl?

Sorta, it was my 3rd choice. My first was Hekate because she is the goddess of magic (but it was taken). Then I wanted to go with Hestia in an attempt to make a pun because warlocks always need haste, it was taken again. Finally I went with Amonet because “the hidden one” sounded way too cool to pass, and honestly I’m really glad the other 2 names were taken.

As per the second question, no I do not worship anything. I have read occult text though but that’s because I like reading mythological and religious scriptures.

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Probably, the August Celestials would seem the type for the philosophy.

Garrosh is an interesting note, since he’s a character written explicitly to not change nor want to change. I wouldn’t say it makes the lesson pointless so much as it makes it a tragedy (in the hands of better writers).

Fair, and obviously blizzard are bad writers. My issue is why are we debating redemption for Sylvanas out of all the antagonists we’ve faced so far? Why does she get the special treatment?

Mostly because Blizzard have written her being remorseful of her actions.

He was very good with a bow and he got to knock boots with Sylvanas when she was alive. That’s his claim to fame. Our character helped take down the Lich King, old gods, Legion, etc…Nathanos had a pretty elf girlfriend who helped him get a fancy job.


Illidan got a redemption arc too, and people didn’t really debate it as much because I think more people were sad to see him turned into a villain in the first place.


I mean Illidan was still a villain.
He did all the evil things to get ready for the Legion and for his crimes we threw him into a prison.

None of what he did was excused or whitewashed.

It actually makes sense Illidan’s solutions for problems are generally just as bad.
“How do I stop this forest fire from reaching the town? With a tsunami of course!”