Sylvannas Fans

This is a genuine non troll question- just super curious.

Sylvannas fans- how do you reconcile your favourite character with Teldrassil? Like I stopped like Garrosh after theramore so I don’t get the disconnect

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Why exactly?

Thought using a mana bomb was cowardly and it ruined the site where the bomb hit. Doesn’t give a chance for defeated enemies to surrender.

Didn’t really fit with the blood and steel idea I had of the horde. Also all the stuff he was doing threatening the other leaders etc

Then the rest of MOP happened and it kinda just cemented my dislike for Garrosh


It’s because they don’t care about what happens to anyone other than Sylvanas.


Oh, come now. Dustwallow Marsh isn’t exactly prime real estate.

Ally big mean.

The end.


I’m just here to see how many Sylvanas fans are left that trust Blizz enough to still be keeping the hope alive…




I always felt that the mana bomb was kind of out of character. Just wondering, how would you have felt if he had stormed the city and razed it by hand instead?

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In order to get the same effect that Blizzard wanted it would have required that the Horde’s forces personally slaughter civilians in person, which honestly is something that they tend to shy away from for the most part. When they need the Horde to do something naughty they’ll usually go with a WMD because it’s more impersonal.

Even the Forsaken used WMD’s to an extent once they acquired them, although the Forsaken were also the only faction that still would do evil things with their own hands regularly.

that would have been in character

It’s honestly kind of weird to be honest. The Alliance is the faction that would care enough about keeping its hands clean to use WMD’s. The Horde should be the faction that thinks civilian deaths are fine so long as you look your victim in the eye and give them a chance to fight back (and die with honor), however one-sided it would be.


How did you feel about Saurfang’s saga from WoT to the final duel?

Given your character’s name you are a bit of a fan.

The orc who was terrified of repeating Grom’s mistakes being the orc that forced Sha corruption on his people was the moment Garrosh stopped making sense for me.

We’re not reconciling anything bad Sylvanas did. What we need to know now is who is Sylvanas now that she has her soul back. How is she going to feel about Teldrassil now that she is whole again? Will there be guilt? Will she feel completely responsible? Will she feel sadness and mourn them? There is so much we don’t know yet about Sylvanas now that she has her soul back. People don’t realize how big this is. This is something Sylvanas has wanted ever since she died, likening her undead state to a curse. What also matters is how are Thrall, Jaina, Bolvar and Tyrande going to respond to Sylvanas now that she is her true self again? There is too much at play here to really come to conclusions right now. Sylvanas fans are looking at all of the elements involved and are waiting to see how it all plays out.


Barring meta reasons to go down the loyalist route out of spite it’s that I just don’t care that much. I feel the same way about Garrosh and Theramore. Hell, my characters must not care either considering that they were a part of both those events.

Was the alliance bothered when they attacked us and tried to assassinate our faction leader with their flagship during a demonic invasion?

To be clear I am not happy it was done, I just feel apathetic about the situation. Would you care about a manipulative choice done for the sole purpose of marketing which would retread on old narrative beats that will tear apart your already sundered faction?

To some it was a beautiful home full of memories but for me it was just a big tree.


Nope, we had been waiting for that since Cataclysm so all in all it was a great event, too bad it went so poorly.


You’re lucky Blizzard has such good writers on hand. I’m sure they’ll treat Sylvanas with the same respect and care that they’ve treated the lore.


I definitely dont speak for all sylv fans but I can give my point of view. I play this game very red vs blue. Kill alliance and I’m happy. I dont care or feel bad about the war crimes that are committed as long as its killing the enemy team. Civilian or no. Mana bomb? nice one. Garrosh did nothing wrong. Burning of Teldrassil also didnt bother me. Let it burn. What bugged me is blizzard trying to shame me for it ever since it happened. Stop having leaders cry to me about how wrong it was. If they disagree then openly challenge the leadership… dont slink around in the background complaining we did it. I dunno… I realize these things would be bad IRL but in game I just wanna chest thump and kill the other team. Its why leaders like Baine are so frustrating. I dont care if you seem reasonable and get the other team to like you. Its us vs them. Just how I approach the story and lore characters I like i guess.


I loved destroying an alliance capital and think it is fully within the rights of the warchief to wage war and destroy the hordes enemies.

Garrosh did nothing wrong.


I blame the writers for treating the subject of genocide in such a flippant way, I blame the writers for making the playerbase culpable to it, I blame the writers for choosing to use a character like Sylvanas to do it, I blame the community and certain content creators for stoking the outrage to obscene and beyond over-the-top levels, and I encourage the writers in their attempts to make it good by undoing it any way they can, even if it is cheesy, even if it doesn’t make sense, and even if it makes a lot of people angry for a few days.