Sylvanas Won, Night Elves Lost (Amirdrassil Is A Dud)

Oh also add cunning, ferocity, strength of mind, strength of heart, strength of body

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or better yet, no one really bothers them because they know if they do they will get their skulls mounted on pikes outside the enclaves as a warning to other idiots.

Exploring Kalimdor
Night Elf Heritage.

This argument has always confused me. People actually really believe in this? The Story of the Night Elves was classified from the very beginning at least as a B plot.

At the beginning of dragonflight we didn’t see any night elves except in one quest where we bring back Ysera but basically lose Malfurion for development of green dragons. Patch 10.1 is a story for black dragons only. 10.1.5 is for Bronze. Personally, I’ve seen more Khadgar than Tyrande in this expansion. He was present in prepatch, he helped Blue Dragons all the time, he fought with Raszageth and the forces of Fyrakk in Suffusion Frostburn, we saw him also in Vault of the Incarnates. So can I say that Dragonflight is a human exspansion? Of course not. In 10.2 they got more of a spollight, but last raid was mostly focused on regaining the power of apsects.

Dragonflight is about aspect and stoped Incarnates not night elves and their new home.

In SL, Night Elves only got 1/3 of side quests in Ardenweald. In the main storyline they appeared once, when Tyrande fought Sylvanas. Which didn’t change anything. The entire SL was focused on saving Anduin and stopping Sylvanas/Jailer. In the final fight against Zoval and even in Sanctum of Domination we see, human, orc and undead heroes while Tyrande was taking a nap.

Shadowlands is about Sylvanas psychology session and Anduin traumas, not the night elves.

Even in BFA, we mainly follow the struggles of Saurfang and Anduin. Yes, all of this started because of Teldrassil, but have you seen any night elves in this expansion except drakshore? We have Shandris in Nazjatar, but Jaina was the main hero of Alliance there.

Humans and orcs have always been at the forefront, no other race has received as much attention as these two, (maybe except Sylvanas ) This is even visible in the latest trailer TWW. You can feel that writers don’t want to write and have been forced to touch night elves for years but instead write about threads they should focus on blizzard ignoeres them and prefer write about they think is cool right now, which is why Teldrassil plot take so long. Maybe if the Night Elves got as much attention as these two races, the quality of their stories would be better and it would end much faster.

Exploring Kalimdor.

I dunno. That sounds like an excuse. It sounds like the type of excuse night elves use to avoid answering the hard questions like “why do we grow magic trees next to sleeping/sorta dead bad guys? Why do we blow up our trees instead of offering murder hobos loot? What even is a fire safety protocol?”

Lies and slander, and easily debunked.

Everyone knows if the author were an orc, Teldrassil would NEVER have burned when it could have been chopped down and the remains covered in spikes.

The author, obviously, is a mage, because mages are evil and do bad things to everyone.

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Wait, they had their immortality restored? This is confirmed?

No, the night elves never got blessed only the dragons did


I do agree with the overall sentiment of her post but both restoring immortality and being blessed by the aspects are wrong. The NE never got that but still NE fans are the worst kind of fans in this forum nowadays.

May the dark lady light shine upon you!!
Sylvanas adore!

Not yet, we have yet to reclaim darkshore.


I accept your proposal.

To be fair, the sort of person who is still a Kaldorei fan at this point has to be a person that is in it because they love the pain. There is always a payoff, but some people’s idea of a payoff isn’t necessarily pretty to anyone else. Losing yourself complaining on these forums can be cathartic to some people.

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Why will they become a neutral faction when they are here?


Amirdrassil should become an Alliance place as Suramar and Highmountain are a Horde place.

I think many of us just want a statement about the state of Kalimdor in Darkshore and Ashenvale for the Night Elves (with Winterspring and Hyjal too) in the lore and in the books but also this:

Blood Elves will get a massive update of their lands in Midnight so Night Elves could get the same thing for Darkshore and Ashenvale with the new assets of Amirdrassil (Zidormi is still here if you want the old version or the ruined version). Of course don’t forget Gnomeregan and the Azuremyst Isle for an update of their assets too.

This thread, in fact, is proof that those who play night elves will not accept anything at the expense of tradition and racial fantasy.

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feels like the dragons got the best deal out of the tree tbh


It was a speculative post, my dude.

I literally posted pages directly from Exploring Kalimdor to rebut.

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Then you posted them incomplete, or without context.
The Night Elves have dominated all of Ashenvale save for the lumbercamp and Splintertree.
They are presently (as of Exploring Kalimdor) invading Azshara and the Barrens entirely on their own without needing the help of the Alliance.

As much as I want Darkshore out of warfront hell, I do not know if they will do it before they rebuild the whole continent for dynamic flight. There are presently three phases of the zone knocking about, all of which need to remain because they are tied to content of some form. I am doubtful they would be willing to make a fourth phase on top of all the others and put in the legwork to flesh it out and make it play nice with the warfront phase cycling mechanic.

they need to stop writing NEs so much. i’m bored of them and the NEs don’t even like what’s being written for them. no one is winning here, let the pretend trolls rest…

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