Sylvanas Won, Night Elves Lost (Amirdrassil Is A Dud)

The draenei are still living in a broken space ship on an island further off the coast than teldrassil was. They don’t have really any presence on the main continent.

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That’s true, but they never really have, outside of Forest Song

…It was, again, Azeroth who blessed the Aspects, not the world tree. It just happened at the same time as the tree moved planes of existence. Apparently ensuring the tree survived was the test Azeroth was measuring their worth by and they passed.

It was blessed through the tree, the buff and cinematic are called “Blessing of Amirdrassil”, it seems to be the conduit for the aspects to get their power. Pretending the tree is irrelevant to their powers other than a test is silly.


Please don’t sully Pizza Hut by associating it with Blizzard. More like expired Wal-mart pizza if you think “war” in warcraft is of any significant quality.

Pizza hut actually has some pretty good salad bars.

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Could you please post in one of the other threads on this topic that are right there in the top half of the first page, instead of making a new one to say the same thing yet again?


Are you talking to the OP? This thread was made 3 days ago.

To anyone. These threads are really starting to take over.

Well people make posts about similar topics all the time, but this thread was made several days ago. Weird to come into an old thread and complain about newer threads also existing.

A key thing is also to not respond to threads you don’t like because you bump them to the top.


There’s really no point to making new threads on the exact same topic… by the same poster. Especially when you can just add it to the old thread.

It’s just using different words to talk about the same thing… which is exhausting.

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Wow I’ve never thought of it that way.


The two threads that were linked were made after this one. Bump them with complains about it instead I guess. You can also just not respond to these threads and bump them, which is the point. The people complaining about it probably have like 50+ posts in those other threads anyway, while not engaging in different topics to that degree, it’s what they want to talk about.

Yeah. Unfortunately people who make them don’t care. Such is life.

The Dimensional Ship has been repaired since Cata according to the “Prophet’s Lesson” short story.

This was confirmed to be the case in Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor where this was reconfirmed as canon.

They were planning on using it to return to Outland and rebuild their civilization but opted to stay on Azeroth instead to better serve their allies.

Tbf, last time we’ve gotten any indication of the Draenei’s presence on Kalimdor was Cata where there were a couple of Draenei NPCs beginning to spread out into Night Elven lands (Palanaar in Astranaar and Forest Song being largely inhabited by Draenei and Night Elves)

Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor didn’t really mention the Draenei’s presence on the mainland at all, and we didn’t receive any follow-up on Forest Song or other Draenei-inhabited mainland areas.

But I wouldn’t say that their presence on the mainland is entirely non-existent, but admittingly we simply don’t know at this point.

The War of Thorns would’ve definitely changed their presence on mainland Kalimdor, though. What the extent of that is we simply don’t know.


If that makes it worse for you, all the better.

I would tell the Alliance to just take the L … except the Forsaken took the Lordaeron L, too.

Ah, I didn’t know they just fixed it again in Exploring Kalimdor because it seems to have been broken, and it lost it’s power source when the legion attacked and killed O’ros, then instead of taking the Exodar they take the Vindicaar and say “Every spare moment, every resource, has gone toward the birth of a new vessel. Our instrument of retribution.”. It’s good that EK brought it back to Velen’s story from Cata, but it seems in legion they forgot it was already repaired.

I think there is like one draenei npc in forest song, and that is the flight master. I don’t think Exploring Kalimdor mentions any new Draenei presence, which should have been something that was expanded on in Cata, but I think all they really did was update Auhula from apprentice to the hippogryph master in cata. Which was a shame, because I thought Cata would be the time to expand on any Draenei presence on azeroth outside of the exodar, but they don’t set up camps/settlements everywhere like their counterpart the blood elves.

The Draenei didn’t help the night elves during WoT because they were so depleted, they did take in refugees from Teldrassil. They haven’t really given us an indication Draenei have expanded outward since BC. I don’t think Exploring Kalimdor updates any new draenei presence, they just mostly put a lot of zone back to cata era boundaries except for darkshore which is mostly uninhabited, which doesn’t have any kind of dreanei presence outside of an npc or two.

I would love to have any kind of draenei story that doesn’t have to do with another planet, but they are for the most part relegated to a small story when it involves draenor/argus. It’s unfortunate that in WoD the only real draenei from our timeline was Maarad and he died pretty early on, then we never get to see the WoD draenei again except through a horde allied race quest.

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Nice strawman

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I want you to think very, very carefully about what you just said.

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It’s pretty heavily implied it’s going in that big bay just west of that island. If you look off the eastern shore of the island in the Dream, that inaccessible stretch of land is pretty obviously Ohn’aran plains in its primordial state

I am pretty sure the Exodar may be superficially repaired, but it is unable to actually fly or anything as it no longer has a Naaru pilot, and also all the parts vital for flight were scavenged to create the Vindicaar. It is more of a spaceship shaped city now.