Sylvanas will die like Tsukuyomi, placing the bet

She’s going to continue to work for the jailer, but we’re going to end up fighting a sylvanas who’s finally run out of excuses and people. Unable to be redeemed, she will fight us out of spite until she dies by our hands. Calling it now.

To quote:

“It is too late, there can be no redemption for me.”

“A night bloom shall flower here upon my demise!”


Lets see who the internet says that is…

Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto (月読命, 月読尊), or simply Tsukuyomi (月読), is the moon god in Japanese mythology and the Shinto religion.

Nope. Still confused.


I think they may be referencing Tsuki from FF14 specifically.

Edit: Full name Tsukuyomi obviously, but in game it’s often shortened to Tsuki or Yotsu.


“Sylvanas will die when BfA launches”

“Sylvanas will die as the first dungeon boss”

“Sylvanas will die in 8.1”

“Sylvanas will die in 8.2”

“Sylvanas will be the final boss of BfA”

“Sylvanas will die in 9.0 like Garrosh did”

“Sylvanas will die at some point in Shadowlands” <— you are here.


Hey least it’s the first time I made a “Sylvanas will die here.” Post! :smiley:

all i see when sylvanas and anduin are in the room together

uhmmm i dont think blizz can make a “Yotsuyu” with Sylvannas.

I think this myself -

Anduin does as well it seems.

You get a like for the FF14 reference. Tsukuyomi/Yotsuyu has been my favorite character to date, while also being the biggest tragedy in gaming imo, and ALSO the biggest missed opportunity (so many people want more of her).

As for the Sylvanas comparison… maybe?

both characters are abominable and, despite both of them committing unspeakable atrocities, the writers still wanted to redeem them.

so, probably not far off the mark.

the whole 'tsuyu arc in stormblood made me sick. that third phase theme was good tho


Nah she will be fine. For the Dark Lady, forever :metal:t2:

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I can’t wait for all the fourm rage posts when Sylv gets her redemption arc.


It’s close, but I think Yotsuyu is grounded in far more reality compared to Sylvanas for it to really work. Yotsuyu was a reflection of the impact of how wanton cruelty warps and changes a person to perpetuate the cycle. She’s never really redeemed, just pitied as an example that could potentially have been avoided entirely had her family and uh…clientele, treated her as a human being and not just a commodity to be sold and abused. Far as Yotsuyu was concerned she absolutely had a choice, she just didn’t want to stop.

The angle I think Blizzard is going for is that Sylvanas feels she never really had a choice due to the nature of undeath. It just doesn’t really work because Blizzard has never been really good at showing change gradually, the plot needs too move too fast to properly convey subtle changes without it coming off as “Uncharacteristic”.

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It’s a 50/50 split. If she’s redeemed, people are going to be ticked off, if she’s killed/trapped in a realm outside Azeroth/redeemed via death, her fanclub are going to be ticked off. Either way they go Blizzard’s put themselves into a position where no matter what they do a large chunk of players are going to be raging on the forums about it.

And it’s going to be entertaining as heck either way.

Naruto? Who?
Honestly people think too much into this.
Sylvanas has many outs. Depends how Danuser is feeling.

Right now it feels they are trying to give her some depth which I’m fine for.

“Sylvanas will be best Warchief”

“She’s doing it for the Horde”

“She may not be Warchief anymore, but she’s still Horde”

“She may not be Horde, but she still cares about Forsaken”

“I have wet dreams about Sylvanas so I believe she’ll get redeemed” <— You are here.

Slyvanas will die like obito uchiha with a smile on her face saying thank you to anduin and tell him to be king.