Sylvanas vs saurfang

With how the story is going I don’t see how saurfang won’t challenge sylvanas to a mak’gora even tho I think he should’ve have done that than get himself captured but that’s another topic.

How will a mak’gora with saurfang and sylvanas play out?

1.) Sylvanas cheats somehow, and wins.

2.) Sylvanas doesn’t, or can’t cheat (witnesses, plot whatever) and still probably wins. Saurfang is fundamentally just a big guy with an axe, sure he’s pretty good with that axe but how useful is it against the magically enhanced, undead ex-ranger general of Silvermoon?


I think Sylvanas would win.
Saurfang would probably lose on purpose to further create a rally against Sylv.
Bc “She’s an evil doer. She must be stopped for honor!!! lol xD”

Well, Saurfang is a great warrior. Possibly the greatest living warrior on Azeroth.

But in the BfA cinematic I watched Sylvanas turn into a death fog and instantly vaporize dudes. I’m not sure how you parry that with an axe.


I think you need to stack haste and crit, maybe blow some CDs during her transition pha-

Erm… Sorry.


Saurfang realizes he’s being played by SI:7 and rejoins the Horde to punish the Alliance. Getting over his dumb honor stink.


Saurfang would throw the fight intentionally out of pity, for if he were to cleave Sylvanas, she and any memory of her would be erased from existence.


Saurfang will need to achieve Super Saiy-ur… I mean Super Orc Form to defeat her, It will probably be attributed to a element power boost, a avatar of Lo’Gosh (the orc version) or light based power up.

Saurfang beats sylvanas with anduin then the alliance ignore anduin’s orders and turn on saurfang and the “honorable” horde. Saurfang sees that sylvanas was right all along and works with her to make a better horde then either of their ideals alone could create and this entire inner turmoil nonsense ceases to be.

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Depends on some factors. Can Green Zuko close the gap before being capped by Hooded Hussie? Never seen him arrow time or posess any notable speed feats so Sylvanas likely shoots him.

Or vaporizes him.

A Mak’gora is an honorable duel
Honor means nothing to a corpse
I think Saurfang knows that if he does that, then Sylvanas will cheat.

Won’t happen. Cairne and Garrosh were the only guys in the Horde with the balls to Mak’gora a warchief. Vol’jin, Saufang, Baine. All cowards who hide behind little rebellions to get it done

I feel like there’s a good chance we’ll be getting a mak’gora, but I don’t think it will be Saurfang vs. Sylvanas.

We know Saurfang is headed somewhere. Presumably wherever he’s going its to muster up one or more allies. With the tease of Thrall returning that we got at Blizzcon, maybe he’s off to dig Thrall out of whatever hole he’s hiding in and have him do the mak’gora thing (someone else on this forum suggested something along these lines).

I believe Saurfang knows he’d lose (not that he wouldn’t try). He was certain he would die to Malfurion for instance.

Nah, Sylvanas will betray the Horde before that.

I’m not convinced that Sylvanas can defeat Saurfang in a fair fight. Saurfangs are legendary warriors. The one of the only two mortals to ever cause Sargeras injury through melee means was a Saurfang.

But Sylvanas would not fight a fair fight because she is a corpse and honor means nothing to her.

Sylvanas can’t win in a fair fight, that’s why she always resorts to dirty, underhanded tactics.

We would get a warcraft movie scenario with sylvanas taking the place of gul’dan in the mok’gora.