Sylvanas VS Saurfang..... VS BAINE!?!

If Cairne was a bull then Baine would be an emasculated calf.

Really isn’t much of a side. Lol.


What is with you low effort debaters suddenly popping up with your “lols” and “lmaos” in place of actual arguments?


Are you ok? I wasn’t debating. I was just saying it isn’t much of a side. You don’t have to sit here and pour all your emotions to me?

“haha saurfang sux” does not add anything to this thread except pointless shade.


No, seriously, are you ok?
Are your functions that small that you have to sit here and desperately attempt to argue over what was essentially nothing.


Baine = :purple_heart:

I don’t want him to be Warchief because I don’t want him to turn evil and die.

If it was essentially nothing, why bother posting it?


obvious troll is obvious 0/10. inb4 another tryhard statement and desperate attempt at an argument.

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Alright then…

So Baine some random troll and Saurfang are a side

Vol’jin’s rebellion started off as just you and him.


You think this is comparable to Garrosh?

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That’s not what I’m arguing, but alright, let’s talk about this.

It’s absolutely comparable to Garrosh in that the Horde was divided in two, and different sides arose. Ignore your opinions on Saurfang and Sylvanas for a moment, because who you picked is non-consequential.

Was Vol’jin any less of a side just because it was just one guy at the beginning? No, it was still an opposing side in the conflict. Just like Saurfang is no less of a legitimate side simply because it’s just him and Zekhan. Numbers mean nothing in terms of picking allegiance.


It’s not so comparable in that we are getting to choose a side or so it seems not being forced onto one.

That doesn’t delegitimize anything I just said. In fact, it probably reinforces it more in the fact that you literally get to pick one or the other. Blizzard has cemented Saurfang as a side.


True, I guess my initial post was out of bias.

My issue is i think it is obvious blizzard wants us to side with saurfang, his side gives you better rewards, and every single update makes it more and more obvious someone is getting raided.


I can’t help but picture Baine sneakthiefing the loot in the night and being caught red handed before dropping it all and hoofing it.

Tauren are part of the Horde, they aren’t all of the Horde. But yes Baine’s point is valid, I didn’t claim that it wasn’t. I’m claiming that the the Zandalari’s (and by tangent Sylvanas’s) viewpoint is of greater importance.

Side-note: I would also very much dislike it if Baine was supposed to representative of tauren culture. It’s one thing to be generally peaceful and avoid conflict, it’s another to send love letters to your enemy’s leader.

Sure, but guess what, all enemy fortifications be it cities, villages, whatever, are valid military targets. The issue is not that Baine views it that way, is that he uses it to justify the Alliance’s attack. A nation’s leader in a post-war setting doesn’t go “Hmmm yeah your attack was valid” let alone announce that to their citizens (within the meta context).