Sylvanas VS Saurfang..... VS BAINE!?!

Don’t see a problem with this one beyond the fact he backs down like usual.


I see you there, Toy Story reference…

But if Baine started being more assertive, I could see him as an attractive choice. But as it stands now, I don’t really see him as anything but an addition to Saurfang’s side.


I see him between two slices of bread with pickles and some ketchup.


You know, when I say ‘Warchief Baine’ it’s as a joke, you’re not supposed to try and make that dystopian hellscape real.


Honestly? Baine’s protests and asserting the need for diplomacy should really be considered in the Tauren context. This is a war they didn’t ask for or earn by deed, and the Zandalari are only important in that they are needed to continue said needless war.

Baine, as the leader of one of the founding races of the Horde, just witnessed this senseless war claim the life of an allied nation’s leader. He has every damn right to question the direction he’s being dragged before his head is next.

Peace benefits the Tauren. War benefits Sylvanas. The Zandalari allegiance pertains to a war out of Baine’s interest.

Baine for warchief.


I’d rather see them vs. Bane.

BFA would be very painful…FOR YOU!
Sylvanas, do you feel in charge?
Crashing this Horde…WITH NO SURVIVORS!


Jeezus I’m so sick and tired about hearing about Taurajo, especially since YES it was a legitimate military target (in that it was training Horde troops), and its one of the few tragedies of this game that we actually got to get revenge for. Or am I mis-remembering that we slaughtered Hawthorne and all of his men for the mistakes he made during that incident?

Also … I don’t see an issue with the other one. The Horde is in a terrible position by 8.1, so the idea that opening up diplomacy is an viable option … if nothing else as a stalling tactic.


Baine is decently swolle. But I feel his grassfed goodness would better serve the Horde as food.
Saurfang meal plan is priority 1.


A corpse vs Green Zuko vs dinner.

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You may want to put on some fire proof protection. The amount of hate towards Baine is MOOtastic!

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Saurfang >>> Baine > Sylvanas

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Baine doesn’t make any sense as a third option because Baine doesn’t have a distinct ideological position. He’s just Saurfang if Saurfang didn’t have a spine.

If you seriously want a third option, you’re going to need to pick someone who is meaningfully distinct from the other two. And not terrible.


I choose working becoming a farmer in pandaria, i’l be the only potato farmer their!

he asks for negotiations when the horde start getting crushed in the war and alliance are about to win

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I don’t think concluding to peace after a Horde leader is murdered, especially all that’s given in the war … Hence why perhaps not the best idea.
BUT - If Baine starts to see things on both ends, and like others have said - Be more assertive, like how he is in the books; then perhaps we’ll see someone worthy of following.

don’t horde players hate him or something…?

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More likely Baine is going to be screwed over by the Alliance. Why do I say this? Well, it’s something of a hunch with next battlefront after Darkshore, the music in Southern Barrens, Baine’s roll in patch 8.1 and Sylvanas Windrunner timing to Derek resurrect.

While I disagree with everything Sylvannas thus far, opening negotiations for peace talks is actually a dumb idea post-BFD’A. The Zandali won’t stand for it. Those loyal to Sylvannas would see this as a sign of weakness, offering peace after the first time the Alliance punches back with force. And the Alliance won’t and shouldn’t even go for it. They have lost so much due to Horde war efforts. Twice. After the first time, they agreed to peace or at least a stand-off. A few years later, they get attacked again. Why would they try a second time with a more ruthless leader in charge?

No, Baine really is an idiot for suggesting peace negotiations at this point.

What? No, lol
We’re mad at the dialog his given - especially when it doesn’t match the situation at hand, & lack of story / effort.
Would love if he had more dialog, savagery & wisdom ingame like he has in the books.

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Baine is not a good person, he’s a passive person.

He could be a good person, quite easily, but the way Blizz writes him he comes across as more passive and not wanting to rock the boat. He seems to care more about maintaining relations with other races than protecting his own people.