Sylvanas Transmogs

Agree due to MoP remix. Before it was rare enough to be cool.

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Idk with MoP remix I really didnt bother with it.

But at the end of the day,I don’t worry about how my transmog looks simply because,I transmog for me,no one else.

If I like what transmog I’m using that’s my only concern ,if I don’t like it I change into something else I like.


I approve this message.


Throws you into the maw with the real Sylvanas


I don’t judge other people for their transmogs. But sometimes I notice something that looks great. Originality isn’t important. Imo, transmog is just fun and for me, I don’t give a what anyone else thinks.


I silently judge folks based on their mogs.

But I’ll still play with 'em, it’s not I will leave a group or deny an invite if someone has a bad mog lol.

I assume those without mogged gear at all are just new players that lack appearances, or folks that simply don’t care how they look at all.

Or someone with an entire trading post set, not that creative unless they mix and match it well.

And I assume a player with a good mog has probably played for a while and is experienced.

Of course these are just surface judgements and may not be true at all.

Cosmetics are a big part of the game- if you’re not playing for pure player power (bigger numbers), armor/weapons/titles and collectibles/mounts/pets are likely the other carrot you might be after.

If you see someone in PvP gear for example, you know they kill other players. It’s an indicator of what players do.

Maybe it’s because I grew up with an identical twin. :joy: Defining myself is important, to me. I don’t want to “be alike” because that’s mostly what I’ve been already.


We all do.


… what an odd comparison but points for trying I guess.

I hope you don’t share a name with anybody else irl. How unoriginal :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Nothing you wear in game is original. Welcome to the club.

Okay hipster.


lays down a bouquet of roses for Sylvanas



How many KT hunters do you see?

It’s a rare combo to begin with lol.

And I think the mog is very original- I haven’t seen anyone else that looks remotely close to mine. I like that.

Idk if anyone else in the world has the same combo as me right now. The tabard alone isn’t available and is very rare.

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Your transmog isn’t orignial. Welcome to the club.

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At least I cobbled it together myself and it isn’t anything pre-set. :person_shrugging:t4:

I take pride in creativity.


Whats the name of this club i cant remember but its alright

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I just use the chestpiece for the quiver and cover up the mismatched pieces with a tabard.

Only wish the chest with the quiver, since I am a hunter and all, didn’t hide my bow.

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“What the -”

gets yeeted into the maw

“I will have my revenge… do you hear meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!”



I dunno. I’m of the type “If you like it, wear it.” I don’t get the whole “I must only use stuff nobody else does!” Sure, it’s a nice bonus when possible.


I don’t really get it either. Personally, I like to mix and match pieces from random places to make a transmog that feels unique in some way. That is basically what I did with my current look. Even with tier sets, I like to replace belts, cloaks and helmets sometimes and leave the other pieces intact. To each their own. Everyone’s got different tastes, and they shouldn’t be judged for them.

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Loveeeeeeee the transmog :heart: will use it often!!! It has NOTHING to do with originality lol ffs what is wrong with people haha. It’s simply beautiful!! Just like many others are in game.

I see someone use it and I think its beautiful. i see many really nice mogs in a day. people hate the mog cause they hate the character it represents lol THATS what is sad and laughable.
I’m thrilled they added it , I hope they add many many more :slight_smile:

As an aside: I do wish for female heeled boots or shoes, some npcs in Revendreth had them. Please consider adding them for female characters to buy. …do it Blizz :smiley: