Homer Simpsons Sitting at the Bar, I cannot/ don’t know how to post image or link. Hope you guys see the point.
blood elf players and void elf players arent very original it is what it is.
I don’t mean to be rude, but I roll my eyes wherever I see someone wearing that set, especially an elf lol.
It’s about as unoriginal as you can get.
Wait till you see male (or should I say Body 1) characters too.
I’m really glad they put the night elf warden sets behind a year of the trading post lol, because that set is so good but I wouldn’t be using it if everyone had it. One disadvantage with the trading post is that it offers really good items, but I don’t want to be wearing what half the populace of the game is wearing.
Lol that’s exactly why TP is kind of a non-feature for me.
I am inherently attracted to rare things, and nothing from TP will ever be rare.
Stuff that not many players have, I want.
The longer since the items came out the more rare it gets. Plus mix and matching pieces from some of those sets can be really fun. The Sly cos play is sadly way to common and should have been tied behind a long meta achievement.
happy for every dark ranger out there who is using the mog. You guys deserved it. Long live the dark lady.
i wish i could sell my trader coins, im sitting on 14,000 with no mount to buy this month
I am waiting on some weapon mogs that only NPCs can use so far.
like a mega super sized CLOUD 2hander sword that looks ungodly good and a few months latter they switch it to be a tiny dirk diggler?
I see more ugly races wearing it than us pretty Elves.
axes. Orc axes. Watched it wear in bfa but somehow it can not be obtained.
I’ve always wanted one of those tall shields the royal Blood Elf guards use, ever since I saw them in TBC.
They even got a model update alongside their equipment.
I agree that this thing is a good looking model. However what I am talking about right now is this dude:
I don’t understand why Blizzard puts big name NPC’s outfits in the game as transmogs.
Can’t wait until we have 5,000,000 Lich Kings running around. Most ofc will be human but not all.
FF14 caught up to them. They made their race leader outfits aviable for all players some time ago so Blizzard is now under pressure to do the same.
That’s a cool axe, never seen it before.
Yeah- there’s a ton of items in the game we can’t use yet.
I’d kill for this, on my goblin alt:
I will die of laughter when i see the gnome king…
I love sylvannas as much as the next Warcraft fan.
I’ve always loved her story, before it was butchered of course.
Famous sets/weapons should not be available to players.
Nothing dumbs down a lore character like seeing 100 million of them running around because those players have no originality.