Sylvanas Sabotage

100% Danuser and Golden

Danuser because he’s a Tolkien and Marvel fanboy, and dude is Sauron Lucifer Thanos

Golden because she likes making the Bad Guy into Toxic Masculinity Metaphors at the expense of the women characters and she always guns for the Bald Bad Guy


This entire paragraph is a false dichotomy, And even moreso that the characters have no reason to act in those manners if they were actual people.

Additionally, an occupation doesn’t prevent the Alliance from attacking Undercity, since Undercity is still the most open target for possible offensives. Real wars don’t stop because a city is occupied.


This make little sense. Genn is friends with Tyrande and owes her people big.
His family lived in Teldrassil for god’s sake… why would he behave this way? It makes no sense… do you know these characters at all?


If this is the case, then Afrasiabi was gone before 8.1. IIRC, most of the hints about the Shadowlands came in 8.1. As unfortunate as it is, the Night Elves accepted being raised to avoid the Maw. The Horde campaign questline about who tricked Vol’jin into making Sylvanas warchief was implemented around this time. The concepts shown in those quests and Darkshore have concepts that link back to the Jailer.

I think you’re rather understating the importance of night elf hostages, since there were some prominent priestesses among them.

And, if they’d timed it right, possibly Queen Mia.

But War of Thorns was always kind of goofy and only makes marginally more sense with the context that Sylvanas just wanted to chuck as many people (Horde, Alliance, innocent bystanders) into TurboHell as possible.


he was, between the BFA announcement (Nov 2017) and BFA release (Aug 2018) is when the lawsuit investigation started (July 2018) and he was immediately moved off BFA but was still allowed to do Blizzcon 2018 (Nov 2018) and interviews with various content creators

so we were forced to endure War of Thrones Thorns (Afrasiabi) and Teldrassil Sylvanas (Afrasiabi) and the likely reversal of Lordaeron and Teldrassil (Afrasiabi)

and everything from launch onward was them scrambling to sustain narrative coherence while mitigating harm

which they uh

failed spectacularly

Side note, apparently the game devs are still gung ho about using Game of Thrones for inspiration in-game


That’s the excuse the writers went with when they realized they couldn’t pull off what Mawthorne was suggesting , because he is right from Sylvanas’s PoV. But that PoV did a 180 by the end of BFA to explain the Jailer and her relationship to him.

I refuse to believe this after witnessing BfA. Meant to say shadowlands. But let’s say BfA too.

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Ah but consider: The Fall of Mordor’zoth

Never said he was a deep or nuanced fan lmao

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Yeah but, even a surface level fanboying would’ve been better than what we’ve got.


Dev 1: Guys, they still think we use Game of Thrones too much in terms of our inspirations.
Dev 2: Well, they aren’t exactly wrong. What should we do?
Dev 3: Try using a different fantasy series for inspiration?
Dev 4: Sure, but there are so many. Perhaps we should pick a lesser-known one, so it isn’t as obvious?
Dev 5: I know! John Norman’s Chronicles of Gor!
Devs 2-4: Yay!
Dev 1: Wait, I read some of that in college… Who are you!? (grabs Dev 5’s face and pulls it off, revealing Afrasabi)
Afrasabi: And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren’t for you meddling kids! (runs away, whooping like Zoidberg)


I checked the articles referenced in the “I Feel Lied To” thread, and the last Afrasiabi interview in that group was from January 2018.

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Actually, I do. Genn has been living as a refugee king for years. His people have been living at the howling oak instead of their homeland. Tyrande is a hothead, who needed Varian to teach her lessons about patience and tactics. All it takes is Tyrande to demand of Anduin (basically an adopted son to Genn) that the Alliance help them reclaim their home. Genn, doesnt even need to be jealous, all he needs to do is point out the obvious fact that doing so might not be the best course of action at the moment and Tyrande could interpret his words as the truth she knows… that Gilneas has been in Horde control for far longer than their empty tree, and his people have been refugees for this entire time. Genn really isnt the weak link here. Tyrande is. Saurfang and Sylvanas are not counting on Genn to be right, but Tyrande to be wrong. She even proved herself to be the unhinged hothead they knew she was… like, among the most unhinged worshippers of Elune in the cosmos.

Nah some content creators had YouTube interviews with him from November 2018

Sorry, I don’t mean that January 2018 was his last interview. I was just adding a data point.

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I really cant make any excuses for Elegy. Its so bad and departs from the rest of the narrative sources so much, so Golden can make weakbappeals to sympathy… its as if even Golden thought the burning wasnt provocative enough.

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You have not seen much of Varian and his behavior when it comes to patience and tactics have you?
The man is as hot head as it gets, the only time he becomes wise and a savant is when he deals with Jaina or Tyrande.
Everything you say is categorically false or highly skewed. It is obvious you have no idea what you are talking about.

All your theories collapse when its Genn who defies your (and Sylvanas) expectations by defying Andiun and sending his forces to help Tyrande’s people.
Are you part of the Blizzard writing team? This level of ignorance can only be matched by theirs.


Sorta like the rest of this…

Regardless of who wrote it and why, this is the story we have. We can contextualize, but until the “it was all a dream 9dundundun” switch gets pulled, the lore is what it is. And that includes the stupid bits… and all of BC.


Presuming the burning hadn’t happened, I will note that most Gilneans lived in Teldrassil and weren’t all evacuated.

So the stated plan was still complete trousers. It is not in Genn’s character to abandon his people in favor of land, or else he’d never have left Gilneas to begin with.


The stated plan was to have a mostly empty tree. The order to prepare to take the tree wasnt given until the appropriate milestone of the evacuation was reached according to scout reports, and at this point, even the WoT cinematic agrees that there are no defenders left… so Golden’s narrative is unique and inconsistent with every perspective of the story, including her own. For the sake of this discussion, we have to assume that the tree is not taken until it is suitably empty, as was the stated plan.